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Balaji Dental and Craniofacial Hospital, Chennai, India

Balaji Dental and Craniofacial Hospital, established in 1993, is renowned for providing quality dental and maxillofacial surgical healthcare in India.

Dental care provided includes Orthodontia, Periodontia, Pedodontia, Conservative Dentistry and Endodontia, Prosthodontics and Implantology, Oral Medicine and Radiology, minor Oral Surgery and Oral Pathology and Microbiology.

Exclusive Maxillofacial Surgery Hospital in India

Surgical care provided includes cosmetic correction of all varieties of facial deformities, facial fracture surgery, orthognathic surgery, craniofacial surgery, cyst removal surgery, impactions, facial feminization surgery, jaw reconstruction surgery, cleft lip and cleft palate surgery, rhinoplasty and oral cancer rehabilitation surgery.

Cosmetic surgery procedures include cosmetic eye surgery, cosmetic nose surgery, ear deformity correction surgery, chin reduction and chin augmentation surgery, hairline reduction surgery, cosmetic lip surgery for lip reduction and lip augmentation, rhinoplasty surgery, facial paralysis surgery, cheekbone surgery and facial asymmetry surgery.

Various specialty dental treatments available at Balaji Dental and Craniofacial Hospital

Dental orthodontics is a highly evolved specialty that deals with the correction of misaligned teeth. We offer the latest technology from around the world including Invisalign. A series of custom made molds of the teeth made of a clear material are used to bring the teeth into perfect alignment through this technique.

Cleft orthodontics is a unique offering at our hospital. Orthodontics is utilized to bring the teeth into optimal position before and after surgical correction of the cleft. Over 4000 patients with cleft lip and palate have been treated over the last 27 years in our hospital.

We offer advanced treatment for receding gums and loss of bony support for your teeth. We used platelet rich fibrin, which helps to reestablish bony support for the teeth, thus eliminating mobility of even teeth that have been severely affected by gum disease.

The Children’s Dentistry department at our hospital is a special section that has been made kid friendly in every way. Sedation dentistry is available administered by an experienced anesthesiologist for children and adults who have a phobia towards dentistry. The resulting cooperation by the patient enables the treatment to be performed in the shortest possible time.

World Renowned Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr SM Balaji

Dr SM Balaji, Founder-Director of our hospital is an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon with super-specialization in craniofacial surgery. We are a renowned center for all varieties of oral and maxillofacial surgery in India. Cosmetic surgeries for all conditions involving the maxillofacial complex are performed at our hospital. All varieties of nasal deformity correction is performed at our hospital through the use of intranasal and intraoral incisions.

Dental implant surgery at our hospital encompasses all varieties of implants including the zygoma implants and all on 4 implants. Orofacial prostheses for deformity correction are fabricated in-house at our center.

Microtia surgery for correction of ear deformity is a specialty feature available here. Every variety of ear deformity is corrected here with even completely absent ears being fully rebuilt through the use of cartilage grafts obtained from the ribs. Cosmetic nose surgery with the use of rib grafts results in complete cosmetic rehabilitation of the nose.