Awards & Honours

Awards & Honours

Global Pioneer In Craniomaxillofacial Surgery

Global Pioneer in Craniomaxillofacial surgery

Prof. S. M. Balaji was awarded the “Global Pioneer in Craniomaxillofacial Surgery” by His Excellency Shri Banwarilal Purohit, Governor of Tamil Nadu. This award comes in recognition of the numerous Craniomaxillofacial research and its practical impact on oral health care delivery by Prof. S. M. Balaji.

Pakistan Dental Association Humanitarian Award

Pakistan Dental Association’s Humanitarian Award

Prof SM Balaji is a Chennai based Craniomaxillofacial Surgeon. The Pakistan Dental Association (PDA) chose him for its Humanitarian Award. The award was presented to him at the 40th Asia Pacific Dental Congress held in Manila, Philippines.

Craniofacial Research Fellowship Award

Craniofacial Research Fellowship Award

Dr S M Balaji being conferred the Craniofacial Research Fellowship Award by Prof Ravi Kant, Director, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh at the International Dental and Craniofacial Summit in Bhutan

Prof David Precious Scientific Award

Prof David Precious Scientific Award

Prof S M Balaji receiving the highest scientific Prof David Precious Award from Prof Kenneth Salyer in the presence of Prof Alexander Hemprich and Prof Marie Tolarova at the 12th World Cleft and Craniofacial Congress held in Germany.

Dr.b.c. Roy National Award

Dr.B.C. Roy National Award

Dr. S.M. Balaji receiving the prestigious "Dr.B.C. Roy National Award" from Her Excellency the President of India, Shrimati. Pratibha Devisingh Patil in 2006. The highest award of the Medical Council of India.

Former President Of India His Excellency Dr. A.p.j Abdul Kalam Applauded Prof. Dr. S.m Balaji For Conducting A Dental Camp For The Speech And Hearing Impaired Children.

Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam applauded

Former President of India His Excellency Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam applauded Prof. Dr. S.M Balaji for conducting a dental camp for the Speech and Hearing Impaired children.

Prof. Dr. S.m Balaji Meeting Hon'Ble Dr. Manmohan Singh, The Prime Minister Of India During The Dental Curriculum Development Program.

Dr.B.C. Roy National Award

Prof. Dr. S.M Balaji meeting Hon'ble Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India during the Dental Curriculum Development Program.

Prof. Dr, S.m. Baljai Receiving The “ Dr. Brammiah Sastri Memorial Award” From Dr. R.c. Sobthi, Vice Chancellor, Punjab University, In The Presence Of Dr. A.k. Singh, President, Indian Association Of Biomedical Scientists In 2010

Dr. Brammiah Sastri Memorial Award

Prof. Dr, S.M. Baljai receiving the “ Dr. Brammiah Sastri Memorial Award” from Dr. R.C. Sobthi, Vice Chancellor, Punjab University, in the presence of Dr. A.K. Singh, President, Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists in 2010

Dr. S.m. Balaji Receiving The Outstanding Surgeon Award At The National Implant Logy Conference From Shri. Prakash Singh Badal, Chief Minister Of Punjab

Outstanding Surgeon Award

Dr. S.M. Balaji receiving the Outstanding Surgeon Award at the National Implant logy Conference from Shri. Prakash Singh Badal, Chief Minister of Punjab

Prof. Dr. S.m. Balaji Receiving “The Gold Medal” For Best Scientific Presentation From Prof. J.n. Khanna, President, Asian Association Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeons, Flanked By Prof. Stoelinga, President, International Association Of Oral And Maxillo-Facial Surgeons, Usa.

The Gold Medal

Prof. Dr. S.M. Balaji receiving “The Gold Medal” for best scientific presentation from Prof. J.N. Khanna, President, Asian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, flanked by Prof. Stoelinga, President, International Association of Oral and Maxillo-facial Surgeons, USA.

Prof. Dr. S.m. Balaji Being Awarded The Best Medical Book Award And A Cash Prize Of Rs.10000 For His Book On “Oral Cancer”, By The Government Of Tamil Nadu In 2003.

Best Medical Book Award

Prof. Dr. S.M. Balaji being awarded the Best Medical Book Award and a cash prize of Rs.10000 for his book on “Oral Cancer”, by the Government of Tamil Nadu in 2003.

Prof.dr. S.m Balaji Being Awarded The Best Tamil Medical Book Author Award And Cash Prize Of Rs. 10,000 From Hon'Ble Mr. O. Panner Selvam, Chief Minister Of Tamil Nadu In 2000

Best Tamil Medical Book

Prof.Dr. S.M Balaji being awarded the Best Tamil Medical Book author award and cash prize of Rs. 10,000 from Hon'ble Mr. O. Panner Selvam, Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu in 2000

Dr.s.m Balaji Receiving ``Young Scientist Award`` From Hon'Ble Dr. Thambi Durai, Minister Of Health, Government Of Tamil Nadu In 2002.

Outstanding Surgeon Award

Dr.S.M Balaji receiving ``Young Scientist Award`` from Hon'ble Dr. Thambi Durai, Minister of Health, Government of Tamil Nadu in 2002.

Federation Of Indian Chamber Of Commerce And Industry Honouring Prof. Dr. S.m. Balaji For His Yeomen Medical Service And Immense Contributions To Maxillo-Facial Surgery And Dentistry. The Award Of Appreciation Was Presented By Mr. V. K. Subburaj, Ias, Principal Secretary, Ministry Of Health And Family Welfare. Also Seen Are Mr. David Holly, Consul General, Australian Consulate, Chennai And Dr. Preetha Reddy, Managing Director, Apollo Hospitals

The Award of Appreciation

Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry honouring Prof. Dr. S.M. Balaji for his yeomen medical service and immense contributions to Maxillo-facial Surgery and Dentistry. The Award of Appreciation was presented by Mr. V. K. Subburaj, IAS, Principal Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Also seen are Mr. David Holly, Consul General, Australian Consulate, Chennai and Dr. Preetha Reddy, Managing Director, Apollo Hospitals

Prof. Dr. S.m. Balaji Being Awarded The “Best Medical Author Award” And A Cash Prize Of Rs.10000 For His Tamil Medical Book, From Hon'Ble Mr. C.v. Shunmugam, Minister Of Education,Government Of Tamil Nadu.

Best Medical Author Award

Prof. Dr. S.M. Balaji being awarded the “Best Medical Author Award” and a cash prize of Rs.10000 for his Tamil Medical Book, from Hon'ble Mr. C.V. Shunmugam, Minister of Education,Government of Tamil Nadu.

Prof. Dr. S.m. Balaji Receiving The National Award Of Excellence From Hon'Ble Mr. Thalavai Sundaram, Minister Of Health During Ioacon Conference.

National Award of Excellence

Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry honouring Prof. Dr. S.M. Balaji for his yeomen medical service and immense contributions to Maxillo-facial Surgery and Dentistry. The Award of Appreciation was presented by Mr. V. K. Subburaj, IAS, Principal Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Also seen are Mr. David Holly, Consul General, Australian Consulate, Chennai and Dr. Preetha Reddy, Managing Director, Apollo Hospitals

Prof. Dr. S.m Balaji Receiving “Dr. Ginwala Rolling Trophy - 2004” - For Best Scientific Presentation, 30Th Annual Conference Of The Association Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeons Of India, Nagpur In 2004. The Highest Award Of The Association From Prof. Dr. Sabarwal, President And Prof. Dr. George Paul, Secretary General.

Dr. Ginwala Rolling Trophy - 2004

Prof. Dr. S.M Balaji receiving “Dr. Ginwala Rolling Trophy - 2004” - for Best Scientific Presentation, 30th Annual Conference of the Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India, Nagpur in 2004. The highest award of the Association from Prof. Dr. Sabarwal, President and Prof. Dr. George Paul, Secretary General.

Prof. Dr. S.m Balaji Being Awarded The Membership To The National Academy Of Medical Sciences In The Presence Of Dr. Hari Gautham, Vice Chancellor Of Banaras Hindu University In The Presence Of Health Minister Of Madhya Pradesh Mrs. Sahu.

National Academy of Medical Sciences

Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry honouring Prof. Dr. S.M. Balaji for his yeomen medical service and immense contributions to Maxillo-facial Surgery and Dentistry. The Award of Appreciation was presented by Mr. V. K. Subburaj, IAS, Principal Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Also seen are Mr. David Holly, Consul General, Australian Consulate, Chennai and Dr. Preetha Reddy, Managing Director, Apollo Hospitals

Receiving The Award Of Excellence From Her Excellency Ms. Fathima Beevi, Governor Of Tamil Nadu.

Award of Excellence

Receiving the Award of Excellence from Her Excellency Ms. Fathima Beevi, Governor of Tamil Nadu.

Prof. Dr. S.m Balaji Receiving The ``Best Scientific Presentation Award`` Of Pabmi From Dr. Tet Serapadi, President, Indonesian Association Of Oral &Amp; Maxillofacial Surgeons At Surabaya, Indonesia In 2000

Best Scientific Presentation award

Prof. Dr. S.M Balaji receiving the ``Best Scientific Presentation award`` of PABMI from Dr. Tet Serapadi, President, Indonesian Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons at Surabaya, Indonesia in 2000

The Best Innovative Surgical Technique Modus Award Of Merit

The Best Innovative Surgical Technique MODUS Award of Merit

Prof. Dr. S.M. Balaji receiving “The Best Innovative Surgical Technique MODUS Award of Merit”, the highest award of the Asian Association of Oral and Maxillo-facial Surgery, along with 50,000Yen cash prize from Prof. Dr. Noma, President, AAOMS at the 6th Asian Conference in Oral and Maxillo-facial Surgery at Tokyo, Japan in 2004.

Dr. R. Ahmed Oration Award

Dr. R. Ahmed Oration Award

Dr. Balaji receiving the highest award of the Indian Dental Association the ``Dr. R. Ahmed Oration`` award in 2006

The Lt. Governor Of Halifax, Myra Freeman Presenting The ``Order Of Good Times`` To Prof. Dr. S.m Balaji For His Contribution To Cleft Children Rehabilitation, Halifax, Canada.

Order of Good Times

The Lt. Governor of Halifax, Myra Freeman presenting the ``Order of Good Times`` to Prof. Dr. S.M Balaji for his contribution to cleft children rehabilitation, Halifax, Canada.


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