Requisites needed for the best cleft lip surgeons

Cleft lip deformity occurs at a frequency of 1.79 per 1000 live births in India. This is more or less on par with the worldwide incidence of cleft lip, which is 1.98 per 1000 live births. Surgical correction at the hands of the best cleft lip surgeons enable the patient to lead a normal life. The best cleft lip surgeons are also artists at heart. They have an innate eye for symmetry and beauty. Their knowledge of facial anatomy is second to none. They envision the exact results even before surgery. Residual scarring is negligible and even that fades over time.

Successful performance of cleft lip surgery in India

All parents of infants born with a cleft lip desire the services of the best cleft lip surgeon for their child. India being a populous country, the absolute number of children with cleft lip is very high. The best surgeons often take up cleft lip repair surgery. Soft tissue remodeling requires vast amounts of patience. The surgeons need to understand the interplay between the skin, muscles and vessels. Good blood supply to the flap ensures optimal healing. The muscles need perfect alignment to become one continuous muscle. Best understanding of this interplay makes for a successful cleft lip repair surgeon.

Degree of severity of cleft lip presentation in infants

Cleft lip deformity can vary from the mild to the very severe. Mild cleft lip involves only the appearance of a notch in the lip. A severe cleft lip can extend up to the nasal sill. The former requires only a simple surgery while the latter requires a high degree of skill. The best cleft lip surgeons approximate the skin and muscles to perfection. A good network of blood vessels is also ensured to ensure perfect healing. This results in negligible scar formation that blends in with the skin tone.

Occurrence of cleft lip deformity as a part of a syndrome

Cleft lip deformity can either be solitary or can be a part of a syndromic presentation. Surgeons who specialize in cleft lip repair surgery are often master surgeons. Their knowledge of genetics is also vast as cleft lip can be hereditary. They reconstruct the cleft lip to best suit the patient’s face, keeping in mind the patient’s appearance many years later.

Qualities of the best cleft lip surgeon in India

Dr SM Balaji is a cleft lip surgeon who has his own hospital in Chennai, India. He has over 28 years of experience with cleft lip repair surgery. Having operated on over 10,000 patients, his cleft lip surgical innovations are many. Some of these are now standard surgical practice all over the world. Surgeons around the world seek his advice when faced with a difficult case. In recognition of his expertise, the International Cleft Lip and Palate Foundation has made him a board member. He travels to many countries around the world on surgical missions. These missions involve providing the best cleft lip surgery for poor children. His drive for perfection is rivaled only by the compassion that drives this passion. He travels to surgical workshops around the world and is up to date with all surgical techniques. His passion is best described as a service to humanity.

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