Home - Blog - Orthognathic Surgery - Lower Jaw Protrusion – Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy Reduction

Lower Jaw Protrusion – Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy Reduction

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What is Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy Reduction

Orthognathic surgery is the surgical correction of the components of the facial skeleton in patients with dentofacial skeletal defects to restore the proper anatomical and functional relationship. The bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO), which is the most frequently performed jaw surgery, either with or without upper jaw surgery, is an important component of orthognathic surgery. Horizontal mandibular excess, deficiency, and/or asymmetry are indications for a bilateral sagittal split. It is the most widely used treatment for mandibular advancement and can also be used for a mild to moderate mandibular setback.

Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy reduction is a required surgical technique for correcting mandibular deformities. Correcting these deformities necessitates a detailed understanding of the signs, procedures, and complications of the sagittal split osteotomy.

Patient Troubled with a Large Lower Jaw

The patient is a 21-year-old male from Palakkad in Kerala, India. His lower jaw has always been very large since he can remember. He has had eating and speech difficulties for a very long time now. There was also an element of bullying while he was in school.

The size of his lower jaw also prevented him from obtaining a full lip seal. This led him to have drying of his oral mucosa with resultant bad breath. He has now secured a good job and wanted to get this corrected. He zeroed in on us after extensive Internet research and word-of-mouth inquiries.

Specialty Center for Jaw Surgery

Our hospital specializes in all varieties of jaw surgery. We perform jaw reconstruction surgery for many conditions. This includes jaw reduction and jaw augmentation surgery for both jaws. Orthognathic surgery using maxillary osteotomy results in the correction of maxillary defects.

We perform jaw advancement surgery through distraction osteogenesis. Patients with obstructive sleep apnea get relief through this surgery. We use the latest intraoral distraction devices for this surgery.

Complete patient satisfaction is a salient feature at our hospital. We are a specialty center for dental implant surgery. Plastic surgeons also perform these procedures in Western countries.

Correction of craniofacial deformities in children is also performed in our hospital. Our hospital is a specialty center for pediatric general anesthesia.

Initial Treatment Planning upon Presentation

Dr. SM Balaji, Jaw Reconstruction Surgeon, spoke with him and examined him. The patient had mandibular prognathism. He had an overjet of 10 mm with resultant cosmetic and functional compromise. Inquiries revealed that a large lower jaw was present in several family members.

Imaging studies were then obtained and the treatment plan explained. The patient was in agreement and consented to surgery.

Esthetic Results from Successful Jaw Reduction Surgery

He underwent bilateral sagittal split osteotomy for reduction of the lower jaw. The inferior alveolar nerve was first mobilized with the distal segment. The nerve was fully protected throughout the surgery.

This allowed for free manipulation of the proximal segment. Bilateral bone slices 12 mm thick were then removed from the osteotomy sites. The mandible was then set back and stabilized with plates after checking occlusion.

Successful Correction of Large Lower Jaw

This resulted in complete correction of his mandibular prognathism. There was the transformation of his facial features following the surgery. He expressed complete satisfaction with the results and thanked the surgical team.

Video of Lower Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy Reduction

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