Neurofibroma Debulking Surgery for Neck

Patient with progressive development of left lower facial deformity The patient is a 17-year-old female from Mathura in Uttar Pradesh, India. She had been fine up until four years ago enjoying perfectly good health. It was around that time that a slight asymmetry began to develop in her left lower face. This slowly began manifesting as sagging tissue in that region. It progressively worsened and her appearance became altered. Her family stated that she began to lock herself up in her room and refused to come outside. This caused a great deal of distress for her parents. They took her to a neighbouring state for consultation with a doctor. She underwent testing, which revealed her to have plexiform neurofibroma. The condition was discussed in detail with her family members and they were advised surgical correction. Surgery was subsequently performed on her neurofibroma. The patient and her parents were not happy with the results of the surgery. This caused the patient to become depressed about her situation. Her parents too were dismayed at the results of the surgery. This made them conduct enquiries regarding the best hospital for surgical correction of this condition. They were informed that our hospital was the best in cosmetic facial surgery in India. Types of neurofibroma and their manifestations Neurofibromatosis is the condition where there is tumorous growth in the nervous system. This can be differentiated into three types, namely neurofibromatosis type I, neurofibromatosis type II and schwannomatosis. The first variant manifests as light brown spots on the skin. There are also freckles in the armpit and groin, small bumps within the nerves and scoliosis. Type 2 involves hearing loss, cataracts at a young age, balance problems, flesh-colored skin flaps and muscle wasting. The tumors generally do not change into cancerous tumours. Plexiform neurofibromas are larger, more extensive tumors that grow from nerves anywhere in the body. Unlike cutaneous neurofibromas, plexiform neurofibromas are often found in young children. They can even be present at the time of birth. The cause is a genetic mutation that occurs in certain genes. These can be inherited from a person’s parents or can occur spontaneously during early development. These tumors involve supporting cells in the nervous system rather than the neurons. There is no known prevention or cure. Surgical removal is the only remedy for these tumors when they begin causing problems or become cancerous. Tumor suppressants are not effective in treating this condition. Reconstructive surgery offers adequate cosmetic results for these patients. Initial presentation at our hospital for neurofibromatosis treatment Dr SM Balaji, neurofibroma correction specialist, examined the patient and obtained a detailed oral history. He then ordered 3D CT scan and other radiological studies for the patient. Clinical examination revealed that her left lower face was sagging downwards. There were Café au Lait spots all over her body. The left ear lobule was also involved by the growth. Presurgical counseling was provided to the patient and her parents. It was explained that the excess tissue had to be surgically excised through a submandibular approach. Extreme care would be taken while planning surgery to ensure that there was no facial disfigurement caused by the surgery. Successful correction of facial disfigurement following surgery Under general anesthesia, an incision was made in the submandibular region overlying the growth. Excess neurofibromatous tissue was excised and the incision was closed with sutures. Outcome of the surgery: The patient and her family were very happy with the outcome of the surgery. They expressed their thankfulness before final discharge from the hospital. Surgery Video

Redo Rhinoplasty – Removal of Mobile Silastic Graft

Patient with a history of cleft lip, palate and alveolus surgery The patient is a 22-year-old female from Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh, India. She was born with a cleft lip and palate deformity. Doctors had counseled her parents about what to expect with cleft children. They had also presented them with a schedule for surgical correction of her deformities. Past history of surgical correction of her cleft deformities She had undergone cleft lip surgery at 3 months of age and cleft palate surgery at 8 months old. Cleft alveolus surgery had been performed at 4 years of age. All these surgeries were performed in a neighboring state at the same hospital. Her parents had been satisfied with the results of the surgery. The hole in the roof of the mouth had been completely closed and the patient had no feeding or speech problems. However, as the patient grew up, her nasal deformity had gradually worsened. Her nostrils were asymmetrical and she had a collapsed bridge of the nose. She had a saddle nose deformity with gross nasal asymmetry caused by a depressed left nostril. This caused her to become depressed and they decided to get this addressed at a nearby city. Failed primary rhinoplasty with mobile silastic graft She underwent a primary rhinoplasty about two years ago for correction of her nasal deformities. This had been performed utilizing a silastic graft to lift up the dorsum of her nose. Nasal tip had also been enhanced by the surgery. All deformities of the nose involve components of bone and cartilage. The graft however never stabilized and remained mobile. This has made the patient very self conscious and withdrawn. It finally reached the point where she decided to get this addressed. The patient and her parents made extensive enquiries regarding the best rhinoplasty hospital in India. They were repeatedly informed that we were the best hospital in India or rhinoplasty correction. She discussed this extensively with her parents and they decided to come to our hospital for her surgery. The best rhinoplasty surgeons in India come to our hospital for regular workshops. India is a top destination for medical tourism from around the world. Nose reshaping through cosmetic surgery is one of the most commonly desired procedures by such patients. The cost in India is also just a fraction of what it costs in the developed countries. Surgical results though are on par with the results obtained in the Western world. Initial visit for consultation and treatment planning at our hospital Dr SM Balaji, cosmetic rhinoplasty surgeon, examined the patient and obtained a detailed history from her parents. He also ordered pertinent imaging studies including a 3D CT scan. The patient said that the graft on her nasal dorsum was mobile. This caused her to become extremely self conscious. She had also begun to withdraw socially because of this. Examination of her nose revealed an extremely mobile nasal bridge. This was the result of the infected silastic nasal graft. There was a depression of the left side of the nose from the cleft lip deformity. The left nostril was also considerably smaller in size along with a noticeable depression in the left anterior maxillary region. Rationale behind treatment planning explained to patient and parents It was explained that the silastic graft needed to be removed.  A costochondral graft would be utilized for nose correction. The grafts would be harvested from the patient at the beginning of the surgery. Successful surgical correction of maxillary depression and nasal deformity Under adequate general anesthesia, an incision was made in the right inframammary region. A costochondral rib graft was harvested. Valsalva maneuver was then performed to ensure that there was no perforation into the thoracic cavity. The wound was then closed in layers with sutures. A transcartilagenous incision was made in the right nostril. This was followed by dissection and removal of the infected silastic graft. The nasal dorsum was then augmented using the costochondral graft along with a strut graft to elevate the left nostril. Patient expresses happiness at the results of the surgery The patient was extremely happy with the results of the surgery. Her nose now had a more symmetrical and prominent profile. It was in complete harmony with her face with equal nostril size. She said that this would help her gain more self confidence and participate in social events without feeling self conscious. Surgery Video

TM Joint Ankylosis (Fibrous) with total coronoid fusion

Inability to fully open mouth for many years now The patient is a 55-year-old female from Agartala in Tripura, India. She relates having restricted mouth opening for a very, very long time. History also includes a distant vague memory of trauma to the chin when she was a little girl. She recalls parents saying that they had not visited a dentist at the time of the trauma. Progressive reduction of mouth opening with resultant functional difficulties The patient stated that she has always had difficulty eating due to restricted mouth opening. Over the past few years, the jaw joint trismus had become progressively worse. She is now completely unable to move her mandible. The patient has started having panic attacks due to the increasing difficulty with eating and speech. It was difficult for her to eat or drink. Her family decided that this needed to be addressed and had sought consultation at a local hospital. She had undergone a barium swallow test there, which revealed that the patient had a very narrow pharynx. It was unclear if the narrowing of her food pipe was recent. The patient needed corrective jaw surgery. Referral by outside facility to our hospital for treatment They advised them that the inability to move the lower jaw needed to be addressed immediately. It was explained that she had temporomandibular joint ankylosis. They had advised them that this needed to be surgically corrected and had referred them to our hospital for management. Our hospital is a premier center for TMJ ankylosis surgery in India. Temporomandibular joint surgeries are regularly performed in our hospital. Many patients have been successfully rehabilitated through jaw reconstruction surgery. Condyle reconstruction surgery is a specialty offering at our hospital. Mandibular reconstruction surgery through bone grafts is also available at our hospital. Surgery using bone flaps are also performed in our hospital. Iliac bone graft surgeries are also performed in our hospital with the ilium being the donor site. Initial presentation at our hospital for management of the ankylosis Dr SM Balaji, TMJ ankylosis surgeon, examined the patient and obtained a detailed oral history. He then ordered comprehensive imaging studies for the patient including a 3D CT scan. Clinical examination revealed that she had inability to move her mandible with a mouth opening of 10 mm. Her family related that her mouth opening has significantly reduced over the last two years. Examination of her barium swallow study revealed that she had a narrowed pharynx. She also had very poor oral hygiene. There was halitosis and plaque buildup in her oral cavity. Her speech was also difficulty to understand. Her 3DCT scan revealed bilateral TMJ fibrous ankylosis between the mandibular condyle and glenoid fossa. The recently inability to move her mandible was due to bilateral coronoid fusion. Treatment planning formulated and surgical consent obtained from patient In view of the patient’s extremely limited mouth opening, it was advised that the patient undergo bronchoscopic intubation for anesthesia. This would be followed by releasing the fibrous ankylosis in her bilateral temporomandibular joint along with bilateral coronoidectomy. This would correct her mouth opening difficulty. Treatment rationale was explained to the patient and her parents in detail and they consented for surgery. Surgical correction of the bilateral fibrous ankylosis of the TMJ Bronchoscopic intubation was performed because of the patient’s extremely reduced mouth opening. Following successful induction of general anesthesia, attention was turned to release of the patient’s fibrous ankylosis. Incisions were first made in the mandibular retromolar region bilaterally. A flap was then elevated and the fibrous ankylosis identified. This was released followed by bilateral coronoidectomy. Passive mouth opening of up to 50 mm was achieved following the surgery. Pterygoid muscle and masseter muscle function was normal. Successful surgical outcome with increased mouth opening Hemostasis was achieved and closure done using resorbable sutures. Suction drain was also placed to prevent an accumulation of exudates or blood postoperatively. The patient was then extubated and brought to the recovery room in stable condition. Total patient satisfaction with the results of the surgery A mouth opening of about 50 mm was achieved through the surgery. Physiotherapy was started with jaw exercises under supervision after a period of about one week following surgery. Physiotherapy is imperative to prevent relapse of her condition. This would be performed along with mouth opening exercises at subsequent visits. She and her parents expressed complete understanding of the instructions. They expressed how this surgery would completely transform her life. She would now be able to participate in all social interactions and lead a completely normal life. Surgery Video

Alveolar Bone Graft Surgery for Dental Implant

Patient involved in a road traffic accident in his hometown The patient is a 24-year-old steel worker from Bokaro steel city in Jharkand, India. He was riding to work on his motorcycle around two years ago when he was involved in a road traffic accident. The patient was an unhelmeted rider at the time of the accident. Impact from the accident had led to avulsion of his upper central incisors as well as right lateral incisor. He had been taken to a nearby local hospital where first aid had been provided and wounds cleaned and debrided with antiseptic solution. Bone growth has been completed in the patient as he is 24 years old. There were no broken bones from the accident. A visit to a local dental clinic, a month later had resulted in the patient obtaining removable dentures for the missing teeth. He had found them to be esthetically acceptable, but functionally inadequate. Prolonged use of the removable dentures had led to bone loss at the site of the avulsion. Decision to undergo rehabilitation with dental implants A friend had recommended that he undergo dental implant surgery for permanent rehabilitation of his missing teeth. He had visited a nearby dentist who examined him. Realizing that the patient would need bone grafting for dental implants, he had referred the patient to our hospital. Our hospital is renowned for dental implant surgery in India. All-on-4 implants, zygoma implants and single implants are all available at our hospital. We also have an in house dental laboratory for fabrication of quality ceramic crowns, porcelain crowns or zirconia crowns or bridges. Monolithic zirconia bridges are a specialty at our hospital. Bone graft surgery for dental implant placement is a common case which is done here. There are scores of patients being rehabilitated at our hospital. Patient presents at our hospital for rehabilitation of his missing teeth Dr SM Balaji, dental implant surgeon, examined the patient and ordered imaging studies. Imaging studies revealed that the patient lacked adequate bony support for placement of implants. After conducting various studies, it was decided to harvest bone from the region of the lower molar teeth to be used as a graft. It was explained that this would help consolidate bone in the region of the missing anterior teeth. The harvesting process was also explained in detail to the patient. He expressed understanding of the treatment plan and consented to dental implant surgery. The best bone graft material is always autologous bone graft. Successful placement of dental implant and bone graft Under general anesthesia, a bone graft was first harvested from the mandibular third molar region. This was followed by placement of two Nobel Biocare dental implants in the patient’s anterior maxilla. This was followed by shaping and placement of the grafts in the region of bone deficiency. The bone graft pieces were fixed in placed using titanium screws. This was followed by suturing of the flaps. Postoperative instructions to the patient The patient was instructed to present back at the hospital in three months for fabrication of crowns. This period would enable complete osseointegration of the dental implants with the surrounding bones and consolidation of the grafts. The patient expressed understanding of the instructions and thanked the surgical team. Surgery Video

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty – Bulky Nose Reduction Surgery

Young man with a strong dislike for his nose The patient is a 19-year-old male from Wandiwash in Tamil Nadu, India. He had developed a strong dislike for the shape of his nose since very young. The appearance of his nose had resulted in a bit of bullying during his school days. There have however never been any breathing and feeding difficulties. He had always wished to have a narrower and sharper nose. The form of his nose, he felt, was very broad for his face. It appeared very bulky. There were no deformities involving the roof of the mouth or the nasopharyngeal airway. The only complaint that the patient had was with the shape of his nose. Seeing the degree of unhappiness the patient had over his nose, a friend had suggested that he undergo cosmetic nose surgery. He also said that the patient needed to visit a facial plastic surgeon. The patient also like the idea of a nose job and convinced his parents about it. After making enquiries about the best hospital for the procedure, they decided to come to our hospital for consultation. Our hospital rigorously follows surgical protocols laid down by the American Association of Plastic Surgeons. Initial examination upon presentation at our hospital  Dr SM Balaji, Cosmetic Rhinoplasty Specialist, examined the patient. He ordered for comprehensive imaging studies. Clinical evaluation revealed a bulky nose without a prominent tip. There was also excess soft tissue over the nasal bridge, thereby causing the nose to appear shapeless. Treatment planning was explained to the patient in detail. Excess soft tissue would be removed to reduce the nasal bulk first. This would be followed by augmentation of the nasal dorsum using a costochondral graft that had been harvested from the patient. Our hospital is renowned for cosmetic rhinoplasty in India. Both bone and cartilage contribute to the shape of the nose. Open rhinoplasty can lead to visible scars while no visible scars will result from a closed rhinoplasty. This aspect of the surgery was very appealing to the patient. The patient was in agreement with the treatment plan and consented to surgery. Types of shapes of the nose Nasal shapes vary according to the structure of the underlying bone and cartilage. Nasal shapes have been classified under aquiline, broad and flat. Aquiline is found in the Caucasians, flat in the mongoloids and varying degrees of broad in the rest. Nasal deformities can appear in the form of crooked nose deformity, saddle nose deformity, dorsal hump, parrot beak deformity and hooked nose deformity. Certain conditions such as Pierre-Robin syndrome manifest a hooked nose. Cosmetic rhinoplasty is the surgery of choice for correction of these nasal deformities. Successful surgical correction of the bulky nose deformity Under general anesthesia, a right inframammary incision was made followed by harvesting a costochondral graft. A Valsalva maneuver was next performed to ensure patency of the thoracic cavity. The incision was then sutured close in layers. Attention was next turned to the nose. A transcartilagenous incision was first placed in the right nostril and dissection was done up to the nasal dorsum. Excessive soft tissue was identified and excised. This was followed by augmentation of the nasal dorsum using the costochondral graft. Closure of the wound was then done using resorbable sutures. The patient was extubated and brought to the recovery room in stable condition. Total patient satisfaction with the results of the surgical procedure The patient and his parents were very happy with the results of the surgery. He liked his new nose immensely. His nose was now narrower, more symmetrical and had an elevated dorsum. He expressed that he would now be able to face life with a greater degree of confidence. Surgery Video

Facial Neurofibroma Debulking Surgery

Gradual development of facial deformity since young The patient is a 19-year-old boy from Karaikudi in Tamil Nadu, India. His parents first noticed the development of a facial deformity when he was around 4-5 years old. This had slowly progressed to the point where there was gross deformity of the right side of his face. He had slowly lost confidence with the passage of time and became depressed because of this. They had presented to a local surgeon when he was 14 years of age. A detailed history was obtained from the patient and he was subsequently diagnosed with neurofibromatosis of the right side of the face with a sagging lip. Difficulties arising from the long standing neurofibromatosis The excessive growth has caused a great deal of hardship for the patient, resulting in difficulty with eating and speech. The patient had already lost his right eye sight due to this condition. Having confirmed the diagnosis of neurofibromatosis, the surgeon had advised to remove the excessive tissue surgically. The patient and his parents had consented to surgery and the patient underwent surgery. However, the overgrowth recurred shortly and worsened considerably over the years. It has now reached the point where it has become a hindrance to the patient’s activities of daily living. They then made extensive inquiries regarding the best hospital to address this problem and had been referred to us. Patient and his parents presented at our hospital Dr SM Balaji, neurofibroma surgeon examined the patient and ordered for imaging studies including a 3D CT scan. Examination revealed that tumor grown was extensive and had caused the right side of his face to sag downwards. The right lateral border of the lip was also sagging downwards. His eye was also infected and appeared larger in size. There were also numerous Café au lait spots seen all over the patient’s body. The patient manifested all the signs and symptoms of neurofibromatosis. Premier treatment center for facial deformity surgery Our hospital is a premier center for facial deformity surgery in India. Both soft tissue deformities and bony deformities are addressed at our hospital. Many patients with debilitating facial deformities have undergone surgery at our hospital, helping them to lead relatively normal lives. Dr SM Balaji has extensive experience of over 25 years as a cosmetic surgeon and this facet has immensely helped to rehabilitate patients with gross facial deformities. Many patients have had their lives restored to complete normalcy after undergoing cosmetic facial surgery at our hospital. Etiology and pathogenesis of neurofibromatosis The patient has been diagnosed with plexiform neurofibromatosis. This condition causes tumors to develop in the nervous system. It can be subdivided into neurofibromatosis type I (NF1), neurofibromatosis type II (NF2) and schwannomatosis. The first is manifested as light brown spots on the skin along with freckles in the armpit and groin. There are also small bumps within the nerves and scoliosis. Second is manifested by hearing loss, cataracts at a young age and balance problems. There are also flesh-colored skin flaps and muscle wasting. Plexiform neurofibroma are larger, more extensive tumors that grow from nerves anywhere in the body. Unlike cutaneous neurofibroma, plexiform neurofibroma are often found in young children. They can even manifest around the time of birth. This condition is caused by a genetic mutation in certain genes. They can be inherited from parents or can develop spontaneously during early development. The tumors affect the supporting cells of the nervous system and not the neurons. It is very rare that cancerous tumors arise from this condition and only an extremely small percentage of the general population is afflicted by this condition. There is no known prevention or cure. Surgery may be done to remove tumors that are causing esthetic problems or have turned cancerous. Treatment planning explained to patient and parents in detail The surgical procedure was explained in detail to the patient and his parents. It was explained that the overgrowth of his plexiform neurofibroma would be excised. Excision was planned very carefully keeping in mind not to cause permanent facial disfigurement. The patient and his parents gave their consent for the  surgery. Surgical excision of neurofibromatosis growth An elliptical incision was made on the right side of the face and excess neurofibroma tissue was excised. A Weir excision was also done on the right nostril to create symmetry of the nose. Lip level was also adjusted and all incisions were closed with non resorbable sutures. Successful surgical outcome of the surgery The patient and his parents expressed their happiness to Dr SM Balaji. An immediate result of the surgery was the improved ability to eat and easier speech. His facial profile was also greatly improved and they were happy with the outcome of the surgery. Surgery Video

Mandibular Distraction for Facial Asymmetry Surgery

Patient with facial asymmetry The patient is a 30-year-old male from Jamshedpur in Jharkhand, India. Growth of his facial bones was normal until he became a teenager. It was around that time that the right side of his lower face began to develop an asymmetry. This slowly but gradually worsened to the point where he now has gross asymmetry of his face. Eating most foods had also become very difficult because of an increasing left posterior open bite. He also soon developed pain in his right temporomandibular joint. These two issues have been present for over 10 years now. He had also faced significant bullying during his school and college days. This has made him an introvert. Initial surgery for correction of asymmetry in a nearby state Desiring to get this treated, he had approached a maxillofacial surgeon in a neighboring state for consultation. A detailed examination had been performed and he had been advised surgery. He had subsequently undergone reduction of the mandibular angle and shortening of the ramus on the right side. A piece of the ramus had been removed and the ends brought together with titanium plates and screws. The patient however was greatly disappointed by the results of the surgery. He was left with an unsightly scar on the right side of his face due to the extraoral approach adopted by the surgeon. The patient also realized that his chewing problem and pain remained the same. There was also an increase in the muscle mass on the right side of the face. There was also an increase in his facial asymmetry. He had approached another oral and maxillofacial surgeon who had advised bone grafting from the iliac crest(hip bone graft). The patient’s mandibular deficiency caused by the first surgery was addressed through the use of this graft, but this led to compromised facial esthetics for the patient. Referral to our hospital for treatment of his facial deformity Feeling despondent by the turn of events, he had approached a local surgeon in his hometown. Upon examining the patient and realizing the magnitude of damage caused by the first two surgeries, the surgeon had immediately referred the patient to our hospital. Our hospital is renowned for facial asymmetry correction in India. Facial asymmetry surgery is routinely performed utilizing distraction osteogenesis surgery. Initial presentation for treatment at our hospital Dr SM Balaji, facial asymmetry surgeon, examined the patient and obtained a detailed oral history. He also ordered for comprehensive imaging studies including a 3D CT scan. It was clear that this was a case of idiopathic hyperplastic right mandibular ramus. Clinical examination revealed an open bite on the left side and increased muscle mass on the right side of the face; however, OPG revealed that the right mandible was short by 10 mm. The 3D CT scan also revealed defective mandibular ramus length on the right side as well. Iatrogenic damage from the previous surgeries was also clearly visualized in the imaging studies. Treatment planning explained in detail to the patient Dr SM Balaji explained that correction of his asymmetry required right mandibular ramus distraction osteogenesis. A distraction of about 10 mm was planned for the patient. Subsequent rib grafting was planned for correction of the iatrogenically induced mandibular angle defect. Distraction devices can be classified into external devices and internal devices. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery predominantly uses internal devices. Orthopedic surgery however mainly relies on external devices. Completion of the distraction process is always followed by the consolidation phase. This is for the bone at the surgical site to be strengthened. Successful placement of the Univector mandibular distractor Under general anesthesia, an incision was first placed in the right mandibular posterior region. This was followed by elevation of a flap. Horizontal bone cuts were then made and the Univector mandibular ramus distractor was fixed using titanium screws. Distractor function was checked and was found to be optimal. Following the placement of the distractor, a sulcular incision was placed in the maxilla. Le Fort 1 bone cuts were made and the maxilla was mobilized. The posterior end of the left maxilla was fixed using transosseous wires. This would enable correction of the occlusal cant. Hemostasis was achieved and closure was done using resorbable sutures. Postsurgical distraction performed for asymmetry correction Interarch wiring was done. A latency period of about 6-7 days was allowed for settling down of the surgical site. Following the latency period, the distractor was activated by 1 mm each day. After achieving a satisfactory increase in length of 10 mm, the distraction was stopped. Two weeks following completion of distraction, a straight plate was fixed to the left posterior maxilla to prevent further downward movement. Total patient satisfaction with the results of the surgery The patient was extremely satisfied with the results of the surgery. His facial asymmetry had been corrected and his entire face was in harmony. The patient’s parents were also very happy with the results and said that the patient had become noticeably happier following surgery. They were instructed to return after a few months for removal of the distractor after bony consolidation had been demonstrated at the surgical site. The patient and his parents expressed understanding of the same.

Bilateral (TM Joint) Condylar and Symphyseal Fracture Surgery

Patient involved in a road traffic accident The patient is a 28-year-old male from Vaniyambadi in Tamil Nadu, India who was riding his motorcycle to work. Of note, he was not wearing a helmet. A pothole in the road had caused him to brake suddenly. This caused a car that had been behind him to collide with his motorcycle. The impact had thrown him off his motorcycle. He had subsequently landed very hard on the asphalt surface, impacting on his chin. The fall was hard enough to result in broken bones. Bilateral fractures of the condyle commonly occur with falls on the chin. There were also a few soft tissue bruises on his body from the fall. Bystanders had rushed him to a nearby hospital where first aid had been administered and bruises debrided clean. Diagnosis of fractures and referral to our hospital The patient had demonstrated difficulty with mouth opening and speech. An x-ray obtained at the hospital demonstrated multiple mandibular fractures. Fractures of the mandible are most common with two wheeler accidents. The duty doctor had instructed the patient and his parents to immediately present at our hospital for management of his injuries. Parents immediately transported the patient to our hospital. Initial presentation at our hospital for management Dr SM Balaji, facial fracture surgeon, examined the patient and ordered comprehensive imaging studies. An OPG and a 3D CT of the patient’s facial region were obtained. Imaging demonstrated a mandibular symphysis fracture well as displaced bilateral condylar fractures. Treatment planning was formulated and explained to the patient and his parents in detail. It was explained that open reduction and internal fixation of the fractures using titanium plates and screws needed to be performed. Our hospital is a renowned center for facial fracture surgery. The patient and his parents expressed understanding of the treatment plan and consented to surgery. They were also informed that intermaxillary fixation may be necessary to promote healing. He was also advised to take liquid diet for about two to three weeks followed by a semi-solid diet. Surgical reduction and fixation of the mandibular fractures It was decided to utilize a modified Alkayat-Bramley incision using an end aural approach to expose the fracture site. This was followed by elevation of a flap and identification of the condylar fracture. The condylar fracture was reduced, occlusion was checked and the fracture fixed using titanium plates and screws. Great care was taken throughout the surgery to ensure that there was no damage to the facial nerve. Facial nerve function was demonstrated to be preserved at the end of the surgery. Following fixation of the left condylar fracture, a sulcular incision was made in the mandible. This was followed by elevation of a mucoperiosteal flap. Next, the symphysis fracture was exposed and identified. This was then reduced and fixed using titanium plates and screws. Successful stabilization of the multiple fractures Anesthesia was reversed and the patient was extubated. Results of the surgery were immediate. The patient was very happy with the outcome of the surgery. He was able to open and close his mouth freely without pain. His occlusion was also completely normal. It was explained to the patient that a full face helmet would have prevented his jaw fracture. Surgery Video

Unilateral Cleft Rhinoplasty and Cupid’s Bow Lip Surgery

Patient born with unilateral cleft lip and palate deformity The patient is a 26-year-old female from Thalassery in Kerala, India. She was born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate deformity. Her parents had been counseled extensively at the time of birth. A plastic surgeon had given them a timetable for the surgeries required by the patient. Parents had rigorously followed the doctor’s advice. The patient underwent cleft lip surgery at 3 months of age and cleft palate surgery at 9 months of age. There was complete closure of the communication with the nasal cavity at the roof of the mouth. This had been followed by cleft alveolus surgery at the age of 4 years. The three surgeries had been performed at a nearby city. Immediate period after initial surgical correction of deformities Her parents had been satisfied with the immediate results of the surgery. The patient had been able to feed well and her speech also developed within normal limits; however, as she grew up, the deformity became more pronounced and evident to others. She had also developed a degree of breathing difficulty and snoring. Her facial deformity had always drawn unwelcome attention from others. She had faced a certain degree of bullying while in school and college. The patient had always been an extrovert and had excelled in studies and co-curricular activities. She had met all her milestones appropriately and had always been a happy child. Considering surgical correction of her facial deformities The patient has been mulling surgical correction of her deformities over the past few years. She and her parents had visited a local facial cosmetic surgeon. He examined her and said that there would be cosmetic and functional improvement with the surgery. The patient and her parents had therefore decided to go forward with getting her deformity corrected. Her parents persevered to find the best hospital for the surgery. They had made extensive enquiries regarding the best surgeon for this surgery. Our hospital had been widely recommended by many specialists with whom they enquired. They therefore decided to visit our hospital and fixed an appointment. Initial Consultation and Examination at our Hospital Dr SM Balaji, facial cosmetic surgeon, examined the patient and obtained a detailed oral history. He then ordered pertinent imaging studies for the patient including a 3D CT scan. Clinical examination revealed that there was a depression on her left nostril. It was also considerably smaller than the right. Imaging studies revealed a depression in the left anterior maxillary region. The patient also had a congenitally missing left lateral incisor. Augmentation of the maxillary defect would result in elevation of the base of the nose. This would result in proper form to the nose. The left side of the lip was slightly uneven at the site of the left vermilion border. It was at the site of the previous cleft lip repair. This resulted in a slight asymmetry of the upper lip. Her lips also had some scarring from the previous surgery. Treatment plan formulated for addressing her complaints It was explained to her that she would need closed rhinoplasty with insertion of a costochondral cartilage graft. This would result in symmetry of both sides of her nose. An open rhinoplasty was not chosen as it would result in visible scarring at the site of surgery. It was also explained that the lip revision surgery of the vermilion would establish the Cupid’s bow form to her lips. Cupid’s bow lip surgery would help establish perfect lip contour for the patient. The patient and her parents expressed understanding of the same and consented to surgery. Surgical correction of the nasal and lip deformities Under general anesthesia, an inframammary incision was made following which a rib graft was harvested. An intranasal transcartilaginous incision was then made. Rhinoplasty was next performed followed by insertion of a costochondral graft for cosmetic nose correction. This was followed by augmentation of the maxillary defect with the rib graft, which was fixed with titanium screws. Lip correction of the vermilion border was performed next. Incisions were made followed by excision of the scar tissue and suturing to establish the Cupid’s bow. Anesthesia was reversed and the patient was extubated and brought to recovery room in stable condition. Successful outcome of surgery with good cosmetic results The patient and her parents were very happy with the results of the surgery. Her parents stated that her nose and lips were in perfect harmony with her face. It was explained that they should return in 3-4 months for dental implant surgery for replacement of her missing lateral incisor. An artificial tooth would be placed over the implant at a later date. They expressed their understanding and gratitude to the surgical team. Surgery Video

Dental Implants for a Beautiful Smile

[vc_section content_layout=”full” animation_delay=”” disable=”” id=”” class=”” bg_type=”image” bg_image=”” color_overlay=”” enable_parallax=”” enable_pattern=””][vc_row content_layout=”boxed” equal_height=”” animation_delay=”” disable=”” id=”” class=”” bg_type=”image” bg_image=”” color_overlay=”” enable_parallax=”” enable_pattern=””][vc_column layout=”normal” vertical_align=”top” animation_delay=””][vc_column_text]This is a case of a 45 year old female patient with a complaint of unpleasant looking mobile teeth in her upper and lower jaw. She approached us in distress, stating that she felt less confident to speak and smile due to the condition of her teeth. The patient was in guilt for her negligence in oral health. Apparently, patient’s food intake has been declined due to persistent mobility of her teeth. The patient demanded for a permanent fix as she had an upcoming family event to attend and she wanted to smile and speak without any insecurities. Patient gives a familial history of her mother losing all her teeth at an early age due to mobility.[/vc_column_text][vu_heading style=”2″ heading=”CLINICAL EXAMINATION” subheading=”” alignment=”left” custom_colors=”” class=””][vc_column_text]On clinical examination, there were a few missing teeth in her upper and lower jaw. The remaining teeth exhibited severe mobility and were in a compromised condition. On radiological examination, OPG taken shows generalized bone loss with few broken teeth in upper and lower arch. Blood investigation revealed no systemic abnormalities[/vc_column_text][vu_heading style=”2″ heading=”TREATMENT PLAN” subheading=”” alignment=”left” custom_colors=”” class=””][vc_column_text]Considering the fact, that the patient’s upper and lower teeth cannot be conserved by any means due to the mobility and bone loss, Dr S M Balaji planned to extract the compromised teeth in the upper and lower jaw followed by replacement of missing teeth. Patient was clear that she didn’t want any removable option. Hence dental implants were opted as it would fulfill the patient’s requirements. The surgical procedure was explained and patients consent was obtained.  [/vc_column_text][vu_heading style=”2″ heading=”DENTAL IMPLANT PLACEMENT” subheading=”” alignment=”left” custom_colors=”” class=””][vc_column_text]Under local anesthesia, the mobile teeth in the upper and lower jaws were extracted. The gum tissue surrounding the relative site is opened and elevated exposing the underlying jaw bone for dental implant placement. Dental implants of appropriate size are fixed in a proper position in the upper and lower jaw bone with precision. Later the gums are approximated with absorbable suture covering the implants. Patient was asked to report after 3 months for the final prosthesis placement. By the time the dental implants would completely osseointegrate with the jaw bone ensuring great stability and retention in the future. Meanwhile, a removable prosthesis was given to replace the missing teeth in the upper and lower jaw.[/vc_column_text][vu_heading style=”2″ heading=”TREATMENT FOLLOW-UP” subheading=”” alignment=”left” custom_colors=”” class=””][vc_column_text]Patient came back after 4 months for fixed ceramic prosthesis. Post operative OPG taken shows well integrated dental implants with the jaw bone. Hence the final impression was taken and bite trials were seen. Later, a natural looking fixed prosthesis was fixed onto the implants. The patient was very happy with the outcome as it boosted her confidence instantly. Patient is on a regular follow up.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row content_layout=”boxed” equal_height=”” animation_delay=”” disable=”” id=”” class=”” bg_type=”image” bg_image=”” color_overlay=”” enable_parallax=”” enable_pattern=””][vc_column layout=”normal” vertical_align=”top” animation_delay=”” width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”6418″ img_size=”full” add_caption=”yes”][/vc_column][vc_column layout=”normal” vertical_align=”top” animation_delay=”” width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”6419″ img_size=”full” add_caption=”yes”][/vc_column][vc_column layout=”normal” vertical_align=”top” animation_delay=”” width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”6420″ img_size=”full” add_caption=”yes”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row content_layout=”boxed” equal_height=”” animation_delay=”” disable=”” id=”” class=”” bg_type=”image” bg_image=”” color_overlay=”” enable_parallax=”” enable_pattern=””][vc_column layout=”normal” vertical_align=”top” animation_delay=”” width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”6421″ img_size=”full” add_caption=”yes”][/vc_column][vc_column layout=”normal” vertical_align=”top” animation_delay=”” width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”6422″ img_size=”full” add_caption=”yes”][/vc_column][vc_column layout=”normal” vertical_align=”top” animation_delay=”” width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”6423″ img_size=”full” add_caption=”yes”][/vc_column][/vc_row][/vc_section]

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