Diving into the Depths of Dentistry: Prof. S.M. Balaji’s Encounter at Sri Ramachandra Medical University

In the expansive realm of oral and cranio-maxillofacial surgery, Prof. Dr. S.M. Balaji stands as a revered figure both in India and abroad. More than a surgical maestro, he is a passionate storyteller, an avid knowledge sharer, and an enthusiastic mentor eager to impart three decades of wisdom to dental students. This dedication has culminated in the creation of two remarkable textbooks, the “Textbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery” and “Clinical Cranio Maxillofacial Surgery,” both acclaimed nationally and internationally. The latest edition of the “Textbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,” featuring a foreword by Prof. Robert Ord from the USA, has recently hit the shelves, earning accolades for its content, quality, and ability to seamlessly translate theory into surgical practice. A Unique Encounter at Sri Ramachandra Medical University: Adding another feather to his cap, Prof. Balaji recently engaged with dental students at Sri Ramachandra Medical University in a distinctive “Meet the Author” event. This session transcended the boundaries of the operating room, focusing on his esteemed textbooks, published by Elsevier, which stand as testament to his commitment to advancing the field. Legacy of Expertise from Operating Room to Textbooks: While Prof. Balaji’s surgical skills are unparalleled, his books provide students with insights into the meticulous mind behind the scalpel. The “Textbook of Maxillofacial Surgery” serves as a comprehensive guide, offering a foundational knowledge base, while “Clinical Cranio Maxillofacial Surgery” explores complex procedures and cutting-edge advancements. Beyond Technicalities: A Journey of Inspiration: More than technical manuals, Prof. S.M Balaji‘s books weave in his personal journey, challenges faced, and lessons learned. He emphasizes the importance of perseverance, critical thinking, and ethical practice – qualities that resonate deeply with students navigating the demanding world of medicine. A Dialogue, Not a Lecture: The “Meet the Author” event was a dynamic exchange rather than a one-sided affair. Students eagerly interacted with Prof. Balaji, seeking deeper insights into his books and experiences. The dialogue covered specific procedures, career advice, and the challenges of crafting authoritative texts. This vibrant exchange fostered camaraderie and mutual respect, reinforcing that human connection thrives even in the pursuit of knowledge. A Spark Ignited: Beyond the Classroom: Prof. Balaji’s presence and his books left an indelible mark, sparking curiosity, challenging perspectives, and instilling a sense of purpose in aspiring medical professionals. He demonstrated that the pursuit of knowledge and self-expression can coexist with the demands of medical training, inspiring students to embrace their multifaceted potential. Organized by Prof. Dr. H. Thamizhchelvan, Dean of Faculty of Dentistry, Sri Ramachandra Dental College and Hospital, and coordinated by Associate Professor Dr. Elengkumaran MDS, the event with Prof. S.M. Balaji celebrated knowledge, resilience, and the human spirit. It was a reminder that the medical profession encompasses technical mastery, empathy, compassion, and a lifelong commitment to learning. In the sterile environment of a medical university, Prof. Balaji injected a dose of humanity, emphasizing that the path to healing begins with understanding, both medical and personal.”
A Triumphant Journey: Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Correction at Balaji Dental

Surgical Correction of Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Deformity This heartwarming tale showcases the transformative journey of a 4-year-old boy born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate. Guided by hope and the expertise of renowned cleft surgeon Dr. SM Balaji at Balaji Dental and Craniofacial Hospital, India’s leading cleft care center, the boy embarked on a remarkable path to a complete smile. Seeking Expertise: With over 30 years of experience and a reputation for exceptional cleft care, Balaji Dental became the beacon of hope for this family. Comprehensive counseling and a personalized treatment plan, tailored to the specific needs of the boy’s cleft, solidified the hospital’s position as the go-to destination for cleft correction. Surgical Masterpieces: Cleft Lip Surgery at 3-1/2 Months: A meticulously crafted C-flap reconstruction restored the nose floor and sill. Precision three-layer closure, guided by surgical loupe magnification, perfectly aligned the orbicularis oris, muscle, and skin. Cleft Palate Surgery at 10 Months: Delaire’s principle guided the detachment of abnormal attachments, creating a muscle fiber hammock. This surgical artistry rebuilt the palatal structure, paving the way for clear speech development. Transformative Results: The positive suction test confirmed a complete closure, marking a pivotal step in the journey. This not only signified surgical excellence but also hinted at the promise of clear speech in the future. The boy’s radiant smile and overjoyed parents spoke volumes about the success of the procedures. Celebrating Transformation: This story is a testament to the power of skilled surgeons, unwavering commitment, and the transformative art of cleft correction. Every smile at Balaji Dental is a masterpiece, crafted with compassion and expertise.
Surgical Release of Bilateral Jaw Joint Fusion

Surgical Release of Bilateral Jaw Joint Fusion Probability of Injury to the Temporomandibular Joint from falls Childhood is a time of fun and frolic and a lot of play. This can lead to a lot of bruises and scrapes from falls. Many instances of direct falls on the chin are common. This is the most common cause of injury to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Relative Minor Joint Injuries Leading to Complete Bony Ankylosis Many of these falls are minor with only minor pain and discomfort arising in the joint. Initial management is usually through analgesics prescribed by family physicians. Many of the patients are not followed up once there is symptomatic relief from the pain. Classification of TMJ Ankylosis into Fibrous and Bony Ankylosis Even relatively minor injuries can result in bleeding into the jaw joints. This gradually results in fusion of the jaw joints to the skull bones. There are two types of ankylosis of the TMJ. Fibrous ankylosis affords a little movement while bony ankylosis results in immobility of the joint. Patient Suffers a fall to the Chin with Resultant Injury to the Jaw Joints This young boy had suffered an injury to his jaw joints a few years ago. He had fallen on his chin during play at school. A local doctor had prescribed analgesics and he did not have any pain. His parents did not follow up on the possibility of temporomandibular joint injury. Increasing Mouth Opening Limitation and Lower Jaw Retrusion He gradually developed limitation in his mouth opening as well as mandibular retrognathism. This has now reached a point where he now has very limited mouth opening. They presented to a local doctor who explained the condition to them. Initial Diagnosis of Bony Jaw Joint Ankylosis at Hometown Hospital He stated that he had complete bony ankylosis. Explaining that he needed surgical treatment for TMJ, he reiterated the need for expert care. A referral was then made to our hospital for management of his condition. Renowned Jaw Surgery Hospital in the Southeast Asian region Our hospital is a superspecialty jaw surgery hospital. We have won recognition from our peers for being a premier jaw surgery hospital. Treatment of TMJ problems are a hallmark of a good jaw surgery hospital. Dr. SM Balaji of Balaji Dental, Craniofacial Hospital & Research center is a world renowned jaw joint surgeon. He has over 30 years of experience in handling complex cases. Meeting Stringent Requirements for Surgery for TMJ Abnormalities Our hospital is world renowned for our services for surgery for TMJ abnormalities. The range of surgery for TMJ problems include trauma and congenital deformities of the joint. We perform recessive jaw surgery through advancement of the jaw. Recessive Jaw Surgery through Jaw Advancement Surgery Two modalities are usually utilized to perform setback surgery for jaw correction. The most common procedure for recessive jaw surgery is bilateral sagittal split osteotomy. This is effective and recovery is quick in the postsurgical period. We offer a wide range of surgical services for correction of facial deformities. Our hospital is one of the pioneers in the field of facial feminization surgery in India. We perform correction of all congenital and traumatic jaw deformities in our hospital. Orthognathic surgery is a specialized treatment to correct jaw problems. Our hospital is a surgical center of excellence for joint space correction of TMJ disorders. TMJ arthroscopy is a procedure that is used to investigate the tissues of the joint. Conservative treatments include physiotherapy and exercises for the jaw joint. Fibrous ankylosis is caused by scar tissue like fibrous union of the joint. Jaw joint surgical procedures are always performed under general anesthesia. Recovery time is quick from this surgery. Long term exercises are necessary to manage and reduce chronic pain. The oral surgeon is the specialist who deals with upper jaw pain and pain in the jaw joint. Anti-inflammatory medications only provide temporary relief for many cases. Leading Center for Facial Cosmetic Surgery and Facial Plastic Surgery Our hospital is a superspecialty center for correction of nasal deformities. Many patients from across the globe present to our hospital for rhinoplasty correction. Nose correction surgery is technique sensitive. Experienced surgeons provide the best results for such surgeries. Another superspecialty surgery performed in our hospital is microtia ear reconstruction. This surgery is offered in very few surgical centers in our country. The surgery is a two stage surgery performed over a period of three months. First stage of the surgery involves harvesting the fourth, fifth and sixth costal rib cartilages. These are crafted with care to mimic the cartilaginous outer ear structure. This is then carefully placed in an ear pocket crafted at the site of the ear. This is followed by the second stage surgery. The previously placed cartilaginous ear structure is lifted up. The posterior portion of the ear is then addressed through a skin graft. This skin graft is most often harvested from the abdominal region of the patient. Imaging Studies reveal Bilateral Bony Ankylosis of Jaw Joints Imaging studies were obtained including a 3D CT scan and he was examined. There was a thick medial callus of the ankylosed jaw joints. Treatment planning was explained to the parents and they consented to surgery. Release of Ankylosed Jaw Joints with Good Mouth Opening The jaw joints were approached through bilateral submandibular incisions. His bilaterally ankylosed jaw joints were released using a burr. There was greatly increased mouth opening following his surgery of up to 2 inches. Importance of Jaw Exercises in Preventing Relapse of Jaw Ankylosis His parents have been advised to perform rigorous jaw exercises. This would ensure that there was no recurrence of his ankylosis. They expressed understanding of the instructions before discharge from the hospital. Surgical Release of Bilateral Jaw Joint Fusion CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE SURGERY VIDEO
A Triumph Over Adversity: Jaw Reconstruction for Ameloblastoma – A Patient’s Journey

Lower Jaw Resection for Ameloblastoma and Jaw Reconstruction Pathogenesis of Ameloblastoma and Treatment Modes An ameloblastoma is a benign odontogenic tumor that most often arises in the lower jaw. The most common region is the area near the molar teeth. It is often aggressive in nature and causes extensive destruction of the jaw bone. Successful Surgical Treatment of Ameloblastoma with Segmental Resection Segmental jaw resection is the most common surgical mode of treatment of ameloblastoma. The section of affected jaw along with overlying teeth is removed. This results in a large bony defect, which leads to cosmetic and functional compromise. Common Modes of Diagnosis of Ameloblastoma of the Jaw Diagnosis is most commonly through biopsy and imaging studies. It appears as a radiolucent lesion, which is well defined and with scalloped borders. The scalloped borders are caused by the multilocular presentation of the tumor. Histopathological Genesis of the Tumor in the Mandible Ameloblastoma of the jaw arises from the cells that are the precursor to enamel. Occurrence in children can lead to delayed eruption of teeth. Adults often experience loosening of teeth in the region and difficulty with speech. Extensive Destruction of Bony Structure of the Mandible Patients who develop ameloblastoma of the jaw require jaw reconstruction surgery. Jaw bone grafting needs to be performed using rib bone grafts. A time period of six months is allowed to elapse after jaw bone grafting. This allows adequate consolidation of the graft bone. Surgical Specialty Dealing with the Treatment of Ameloblastoma Treatment of ameloblastoma of the jaw is performed by maxillofacial surgeons. This is achieved by segmental resection of the affected segment of the jaw. This is followed by jaw reconstruction surgery. Patients who develop ameloblastoma of the jaw fully recover from their condition. Jaw reconstruction surgery is followed by placement of dental implants. Shade matched ceramic crowns are placed after osseointegration of the implants. Treatment plan with this surgical procedure includes long term correct jaw relationship. A CT scan is obtained before this corrective jaw surgery. All possibilities for side effects are studies to ensure that they do not arise. The soft tissues also play an important role in determining the shape of the face. Relationship between the upper and lower jaw is studied in detail. The bone structure is also analyzed. This will help chose the choice of bone graft material. Bone graft procedures are explained in detail to the patient. Care is also taken to avoid complications such as a postoperative open bite. The gum tissue is also analyzed for postoperative drape. These procedures are always performed under general anesthesia. They also often require orthodontic treatment for correction of tooth alignment. Patients with obstructive sleep apnea have a characteristic profile with receding chins. Successful Rehabilitation of Patients with Full Return to Normalcy Our hospital is a superspecialty oral and craniomaxillofacial surgery hospital. Located in Chennai, India, it has won international acclaim for its surgical services. We address all conditions related to the craniofacial complex. Dr. SM Balaji of Balaji Dental, Craniofacial Hospital & Research Institute is a world renowned craniofacial surgeon. He has over 30 years of experience in handling complex cases. Delivery of healthcare is holistic in nature in our hospital. We believe in the overall wellbeing of the patient. Education is imparted to patients regarding the impact of oral health on overall health. Our approach to treatment came to the fore during the recent COVID-19 pandemic. We have always placed the greatest importance to overall patient wellbeing. Modules were developed to educate patients on reducing their risk to getting infected. Stress was laid on the wear masks, wash hands and maintain distance protocol. We have always had the latest infrastructure regarding asepsis and infection control. Staff were regularly updated on information developed by leading scientists. We were also amongst the first to commence surgeries in our nation. Diligent attention was paid to ensure that patient safety was always ensured. Our untiring efforts won recognition from many quarters across the nation. World Class Amenities at our Superspecialty Surgical Center We have been rendering excellence in surgical care for over three decades now. Our hospital has two state of the art operation theaters with the latest equipment. We also have 24 well-appointed rooms for inpatient admissions. Continuous Medical Education Programs for Staff Members Our medical and paramedical staff are up to date with the latest surgical developments. We are credited with many surgical innovations in the field of craniomaxillofacial surgery. Many Western surgeons apply for viewership in our operation theaters. We keep abreast with the latest developments in the surgical sciences. Jaw bone grafting is exclusively performed using rib grafts. Precise jaw bone grafting requires a high degree of skill and experience. Rib bone grafts are the gold standard for use in jaw bone grafts. Patient Notices Insidious Development of Lower Jaw Swelling This young woman had noticed a swelling involving her left lower jaw for a few months now. She had noticed that it was also painful when chewing and biting. This had begun to alarm her as it kept increasing in size. Diagnosis of Ameloblastoma through Imaging Studies and Biopsy Imaging studies and biopsies were obtained upon presentation at our hospital. This had returned with a diagnosis of ameloblastoma involving the left lower jaw. Treatment planning for jaw reconstruction surgery was explained to the patient. Harvesting Rib Bone Graft for Reconstruction for Jaw Bone Surgery commenced with harvesting of a rib bone graft. This was followed by segmental resection of the lower jaw ameloblastoma. Titanium reconstruction plate and the rib graft was used to reconstruct the bony defect. Successful Rehabilitation of Patient with Dental Implants and Crowns The patient was instructed to return in six months for dental implant placement. This would allow for consolidation of the grafts with surrounding alveolar bone. Another six months would be allowed for osseointegration of the implants. This will be followed by dental crown fixation. Patient’s Reflection In her own words, the patient shares her reflections on the surgical experience,
Open Rhinoplasty with Abbe Flap: Transforming Lives with Complex Deformity Correction

Open Rhinoplasty in India This case study highlights the remarkable results of open rhinoplasty with Abbe flap reconstruction at our hospital in India, offering hope and transformation for individuals with complex facial deformities. Facing Challenges: A young woman, previously treated for bilateral cleft lip deformity, sought further correction due to: Excessive upper lip scarring Obtuse nasal tip deformity Missing columella Broad alar base deformity Whistling deformity of the upper lip These concerns not only impacted her appearance but also caused functional difficulties. Expert Intervention: Our team, led by a renowned plastic surgeon, devised a comprehensive treatment plan: 1. Costal Cartilage Grafting: Cartilage grafts harvested from the ribs addressed both nasal and upper lip concerns. 2. Open Rhinoplasty: Osteotomy and Cartilage Rearrangement: The nasal bone was reshaped, and nasal cartilages were meticulously repositioned. Nasal Tip Correction: Harvested costal cartilage grafts corrected the obtuse tip and augmented the flattened nasal bridge. Columella Reconstruction: Prolabial tissue was ingeniously used to recreate the missing columellar structure. 3. Abbe Flap Reconstruction: A crucial step involved an Abbe flap, a skin, muscle, and blood supply-rich flap raised from the lower lip and meticulously sutured to the upper lip’s prolabial defect. This flap remained attached for three weeks for optimal blood supply before separation. Remarkable Outcome: The surgery achieved: Significant functional improvement Aesthetically pleasing results Correction of both nasal and upper lip deformities This case showcases the transformative power of open rhinoplasty with Abbe flap reconstruction, offering hope and improved quality of life for patients with complex facial deformities. Open Rhinoplasty with Abbe Flap CLICK HERE TO WATCH SURGERY VIDEO
Minimal Scarring: Long-Term Transformation with Cleft Lip Correction in India

Long-Term Transformation with Cleft Lip Correction in India A boy with a split lip had successful treatment at Balaji Dental, Craniofacial Hospital & Research Institute. Balaji Dental is a renowned hospital for craniofacial plastic surgery in India. The Challenge: Born with a wide unilateral cleft lip, the boy faced both aesthetic and functional challenges. Concerned about long-term impacts on his quality of life, his family sought expert care for cleft lip repair. Expertise in Cleft Deformity Surgery: Balaji Dental is a renowned hospital in India. Well-known for its expertise in cleft lip and palate surgery. The hospital provided care for the boy for more than 30 years. Led by Dr. SM Balaji, a world-renowned cleft lip and palate surgeon, the team ensured optimal treatment for his complex case. Surgical Intervention: At 3.5 months old, the boy underwent a meticulous surgical procedure for cleft lip repair. This involved: C-flap reconstruction: This advanced technique, performed by a highly skilled plastic surgeon, re-established the floor of the nose and reconstructed the nasal sill, restoring both form and function for long-term benefit. Bone grafting (optional): Depending on the severity of the cleft, bone grafting might be considered to provide additional structural support and enhance facial development. Three-layer closure: This meticulous closure technique minimized post-surgical scarring, ensuring optimal wound healing and a natural-looking result. Magnified precision: Using surgical magnification, the surgeon achieved perfect alignment of the orbicularis oris muscle, subcutaneous tissue, and skin, ensuring proper function and minimizing the risk of speech problems in the future. Remarkable Outcome: The surgery achieved an exceptional aesthetic and functional outcome. The surgeon corrected the wide cleft lip with minimal scarring, which will further fade over time. The surgery fixed the boy’s cleft lip, making him smile better and speak better. It also made his life better and helped him stay healthy in the long run. Minimal Scarring from Correction of Wide Cleft Lip Deformity Click Here to watch the surgery video Next Steps: Surgeons typically perform cleft palate repair around 12 months of age to complete the comprehensive treatment plan. This second surgery will address the separation in the roof of the mouth, further improving speech and oral health.
Ear Reconstruction Surgery: Transforming Lives with Microtia Correction

Ear Reconstruction Surgery Microtia, an external ear deformity present from birth, can pose significant hurdles in both physical and social development. This video takes you through the transformative journey of a young boy with microtia who underwent cosmetic ear surgery at Balaji Dental, Craniofacial Hospital & Research Center. Understanding the Challenge: Microtia, a condition affecting the external ear structure, can leave individuals with underdeveloped ears or complete absence (anotia). This can affect hearing, balance, and self-esteem. A Two-Stage Journey to Symmetry with Ear Correction Surgery: The video outlines the first stage of microtia correction, which involves the careful construction of an external ear framework using autogenous costal cartilage grafts. This complex process includes: Biometrics and documentation: Capturing the patient’s ear structure through photographs and measurements. Template creation: Using the normal ear as a reference to recreate a symmetrical ear. Cartilage harvesting: Harvesting rib cartilage grafts under general anesthesia. Framework construction: Sculpting the cartilage meticulously to match the template. Pocket creation: Creating a pocket in the skin to accommodate the framework. Framework insertion and wound closure: Positioning the framework carefully and suturing the skin. Second Stage: Refining the Ear with Cosmetic Ear Surgery: The second stage, scheduled for three months later, involves: Skin graft harvesting: Harvesting a skin graft from the abdomen. Framework elevation and skin grafting: Elevating the framework and placing the skin graft on the posterior pinna. Balaji Dental: Expertise in Ear Reconstruction: Balaji Dental is a distinguished center for facial plastic surgery, offering advanced ear reconstruction techniques. Our experienced team, led by Dr. SM Balaji, a globally recognized ear reconstruction surgeon with over 30 years of experience, ensures optimal results. Beyond Ear Reconstruction: A Holistic Approach: Balaji Dental provides comprehensive facial cosmetic surgery services, including: Rhinoplasty: Enhancing facial aesthetics by refining the nose. Total facial makeover: Addressing multiple facial concerns for a complete transformation. Jaw augmentation/reduction: Improving facial balance by shaping the jawline. Chin modification: Creating a harmonious chin profile. Hairline modification: Adjusting the hairline for a youthful appearance. Facial skin rejuvenation: Addressing concerns like wrinkles and hyperpigmentation. Complementary Dental Services: Balaji Dental offers comprehensive dental services, ensuring a holistic approach to patient care. Transformative Results: Ear correction surgery at Balaji Dental can restore hearing function, boost self-confidence, and enhance facial aesthetics. Ear Reconstruction Surgery for Microtia Ear Deformity CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE SURGERY VIDEO
Restoring Smiles and Confidence with Bilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Repair

Bilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Repair This case study details the successful bilateral cleft lip and palate repair of a young boy at Balaji Dental and Craniofacial Hospital, highlighting our expertise in restoring smiles and confidence for children with craniofacial deformities. The Challenge: The boy was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate, a complex craniofacial deformity affecting the lip, nose, and palate. This presented significant challenges for both speaking and eating, and also caused cosmetic concerns for the family. Expert Intervention: Balaji Dental and Craniofacial Hospital, recognized for its renowned cleft lip and palate treatment team, was entrusted with the boy’s care. Our surgeons devised a meticulous two-stage surgical plan: Stage 1: Bilateral Cleft Lip Repair (3.5 months old) Paul Black’s technique: This advanced technique utilizes the available tissue without making a cross incision on the prolabium, minimizing scarring and maximizing natural appearance. C-flap reconstruction: This technique reconstructs the nasal floor and vermillion, restoring symmetry and functional stability. Three-layer closure under loupe magnification: This meticulous approach ensures optimal healing and minimizes potential complications. Stage 2: Cleft Palate Repair (10 months old) Delaire’s principle: This technique corrects the abnormal attachment of muscles, creating a “hammock” and restoring normal palatal structure. Positive suction test: This test confirms proper closure of the palate, critical for future speech development. Speech therapy: This supportive intervention helps children born with cleft palates develop clear and proficient speech. Remarkable Outcome: The combined surgeries achieved a dramatic transformation. The boy’s smile was restored with natural symmetry and function, while his palate closure ensures optimal speech development. This positive outcome reflects Balaji Dental and Craniofacial Hospital’s commitment to providing advanced care and restoring hope for children with cleft lip and palate deformities.
Closed Rhinoplasty and Dental Implant Restore Confidence in Young Man with Cleft Lip and Palate Deformity

A young man born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate deformity underwent corrective surgery as an infant. However, the passage of time led to a nasal deformity, nasal asymmetry, and a prominent lip scar. These concerns, along with the upcoming start of his post-graduation journey, prompted him to seek further corrective surgery. Choosing the Right Treatment After extensive research, the patient and his parents chose our hospital for his corrective surgery. During the initial consultation, a comprehensive examination revealed the missing lateral incisor, lip scar, and nasal deformity. The patient’s desire to address all these issues was carefully considered when formulating the treatment plan. Expert Treatment Plan for Optimal Results Due to the patient’s desire for minimal scarring, a closed rhinoplasty was chosen. This technique ensures zero visible scarring by making all incisions inside the nasal cavity. Additionally, the treatment plan included: Rib bone and costal graft harvesting: These grafts were used for alveolar grafting and nasal augmentation, respectively. Dental implant placement: A dental implant was placed at the missing lateral incisor site, followed by bone grafting to promote osseointegration and bone graft consolidation. Closed rhinoplasty: The lower crus of the lateral cartilage was excised, followed by tunnelling of the costal graft to augment the nasal bridge. This created a sharper nasal profile. Lip scar revision: Excess scar tissue from the cleft lip surgery was excised, and the incision was closed with fine sutures. Alar base narrowing: This final procedure addressed the patient’s concern with the broad alar base. Remarkable Cosmetic Correction and Enhanced Confidence The combined procedures resulted in a significant improvement in the patient’s appearance. His nose was now in harmony with his facial features, and the closed rhinoplasty provided optimal results with minimal scarring. This successful surgery not only addressed the patient’s cosmetic concerns but also boosted his confidence as he embarked on his post-graduation journey. Closed Rhinoplasty – Cosmetic Nose Surgery and Dental Implant CLICK HERE TO WATCH SuRGERY VIDEO
Redefining Facial Aesthetics with Modified Reduction Genioplasty and Mentalis Depression Correction

Modified Reduction Genioplasty and Mentalis Depression Correction A young woman’s quest for a refined facial profile led her to Balaji Dental and Craniofacial Hospital, a renowned center for facial cosmetic surgery. Plagued by a prominent chin and an excessive mentalis depression, she sought a solution to restore harmony to her features. Understanding the Patient’s Concerns During a thorough consultation, the patient expressed her desire for a more feminine chin, as she felt her lower jaw had a masculine appearance. The mentalis depression, a deep crease below the chin, further accentuated the disproportionate facial structure. Crafting a Personalized Treatment Plan Our experienced facial cosmetic surgeon meticulously examined the patient’s facial structure and developed a comprehensive treatment plan. The plan included a modified reduction genioplasty to reshape the chin and a novel approach to address the mentalis depression. Modified Reduction Genioplasty: A Precise Procedure The genioplasty procedure involved removing a 6 mm strip of bone from the chin region. This carefully measured bone removal refined the chin’s shape, creating a more delicate and feminine profile. Addressing the Mentalis Depression with Surgical Ingenuity The removed bone strip was then meticulously sculpted and positioned to fill the mentalis depression. This innovative technique effectively eliminated the crease, restoring a smooth and aesthetically pleasing contour to the chin area. Achieving Remarkable Results The patient emerged from the surgery with a transformed facial profile. The modified reduction genioplasty had successfully feminized her chin, while the correction of the mentalis depression enhanced her overall facial aesthetics. The hyperactivity of the mentalis muscle, a contributing factor to the deep crease, was also completely resolved. Balaji Dental and Craniofacial Hospital: Your Partner in Facial Cosmetic Surgery Balaji Dental and Craniofacial Hospital stands at the forefront of facial cosmetic surgery, offering a range of procedures designed to refine and enhance facial features. Our team of experienced surgeons and dedicated staff is committed to providing personalized care and achieving exceptional results for every patient. Modified Reduction Genioplasty with Mentalis Depression Correction Click here to watch surgery video