BMP and Dental Implants
Dental implants anchor the permanent prosthetic teeth to the bone. Implants cannot be placed if the bone is too thin. Bone-thinning is a common cause and consequence following tooth loss. Dr. S.M. Balaji is a pioneer at using the bone-creating protein rhBMP-2 in dental implant surgery and has performed numerous such treatments with great success. By placing rhBMP-2 at the site, new bone of superior quality is formed, which greatly improves the chances of the implant succeeding. Dr. Balaji is globally acclaimed for pioneering the use of rhBMP-2 to improve surgical outcomes and enhance the quality of life for his patients.

Before surgery multiple missing teeth

Very thin bone in lower jaw

Before surgery multiple missing teeth


rhBMP-2 placed to stimulate new bone formation

rhBMP-2 placed to stimulate new bone formation

Abutments placed

rhBMP-2 placed to stimulate new bone formation