Closed Rhinoplasty and Dental Implant Restore Confidence in Young Man with Cleft Lip and Palate Deformity

A young man born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate deformity underwent corrective surgery as an infant. However, the passage of time led to a nasal deformity, nasal asymmetry, and a prominent lip scar. These concerns, along with the upcoming start of his post-graduation journey, prompted him to seek further corrective surgery. Choosing the Right Treatment After extensive research, the patient and his parents chose our hospital for his corrective surgery. During the initial consultation, a comprehensive examination revealed the missing lateral incisor, lip scar, and nasal deformity. The patient’s desire to address all these issues was carefully considered when formulating the treatment plan. Expert Treatment Plan for Optimal Results Due to the patient’s desire for minimal scarring, a closed rhinoplasty was chosen. This technique ensures zero visible scarring by making all incisions inside the nasal cavity. Additionally, the treatment plan included: Rib bone and costal graft harvesting: These grafts were used for alveolar grafting and nasal augmentation, respectively. Dental implant placement: A dental implant was placed at the missing lateral incisor site, followed by bone grafting to promote osseointegration and bone graft consolidation. Closed rhinoplasty: The lower crus of the lateral cartilage was excised, followed by tunnelling of the costal graft to augment the nasal bridge. This created a sharper nasal profile. Lip scar revision: Excess scar tissue from the cleft lip surgery was excised, and the incision was closed with fine sutures. Alar base narrowing: This final procedure addressed the patient’s concern with the broad alar base. Remarkable Cosmetic Correction and Enhanced Confidence The combined procedures resulted in a significant improvement in the patient’s appearance. His nose was now in harmony with his facial features, and the closed rhinoplasty provided optimal results with minimal scarring. This successful surgery not only addressed the patient’s cosmetic concerns but also boosted his confidence as he embarked on his post-graduation journey. Closed Rhinoplasty – Cosmetic Nose Surgery and Dental Implant CLICK HERE TO WATCH SuRGERY VIDEO
All That You Need to Know About Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that is performed to alter the shape of the nose. It is a nose reshaping surgery. This has been performed since time immemorial and is the most common facial cosmetic surgery performed in the world today.
Bilateral Cleft Lip – Open Rhinoplasty
[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.9.0″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.9.0″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.9.0″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.0″ _module_preset=”default” hover_enabled=”0″ text_font_size=”16px” sticky_enabled=”0″] Open rhinoplasty cost in India The average cost for open rhinoplasty ranges from 75000 INR to 2,00, 000 Indian Rupees. This depends upon the complexity of the deformity. What is Open Rhinoplasty? Open rhinoplasty, also referred to as external rhinoplasty, is done by making a small incision on the columella, the soft tissue that divides the nose. When under general anaesthesia or twilight sedation, this procedure provides clear access to the underlying bone and cartilage structure. The primary advantage of the open technique is the increased precision for reshaping the nose frame to achieve the desired contouring. The accessible technique is better used when contemplating the revision of the rhinoplasty since the original structure of the nose has already been disrupted. Dr. SM Balaji can also use an open technique when the patient’s nose is crooked or when the nasal tip projection is significantly reduced (how far the tip sticks out from the face). The open rhinoplasty approach allows for a clearer view of the changes that need to be made, as well as precision and ease of intricate suture and/or grafting. The scar left behind is barely visible and usually disappears over time. Patient Undergoes Cleft Lip and Palate Surgery as an Infant The patient is a 19-year-old woman from Ballari in Karnataka, India. She was born with a cleft lip and palate deformity. Her parents had presented to a surgeon in their hometown for corrective surgery. There had always been excessive scarring at the site of surgical repair. Excessive Scar Formation at the Site of Surgery The deformity had worsened as she grew older. She had faced considerable bullying while in school and college. These difficult circumstances had made her an introvert. She had very few friends. There is also an issue of a lack of confidence because of these deformities. The hole in the roof of the mouth had been corrected at the time of initial surgery. Plastic surgeons also perform cleft repair surgery in Western nations. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons also perform facial cosmetic surgery. Parents Seek Out Best Hospital for Facial Deformity Surgery It had now worsened to the point where she refuses to leave the house. Her distraught parents decided to get this addressed and consulted family and friends. They conducted exhaustive Internet research to zero in on the best treatment available. Their search led them to our hospital. They contacted our hospital manager and fixed an appointment for a consultation. Specialty Center for Facial Cosmetic Surgery in India Our hospital is a premiere center for facial plastic surgery in India. We specialize in correcting deformities associated with cleft lip and palate defects. We are the regional affiliate of the US-based World Craniofacial Foundation. Orthognathic surgery also results in cosmetic improvement of the face. Patients from around the world undergo full rehabilitation of craniofacial defects with us. We are a leading center for cleft lip surgery and cleft palate surgery. Initial Examination and Treatment Planning at our Hospital Dr. SM Balaji examined her and obtained a detailed history. She had severe scarring of the prolabium. There was an obtuse nasal tip along with an absence of the columella. Her alar base was very broad. Treatment planning included the creation of a columella using prolabial tissue. The resultant prolabial defect would be then reconstructed using a flap from the lower lip. He spent time counseling the patient and her parents about what to expect from surgery. It was explained to them that this was a two-step surgery. They were in agreement with the treatment plan and she consented to undergo surgery. Recreation of Collapsed Columella through Open Rhinoplasty Markings were first made for a lower lip Abbe flap. A prolabial flap was then raised. An open rhinoplasty was next performed followed by osteotomy of the nasal bone and rearrangement of nasal cartilages. The prolabial tissue was used to recreate the collapsed columella. Abbe Flap Reconstruction for Prolabial Defect Attention was next turned to reconstruction of the prolabial defect. A flap of tissue with skin, muscle and intact blood supply was raised from the lower lip. This was next rotated and sutured to the prolabial defect in the upper lip. Care was taken to ensure that there was a patent blood supply to the flap. The lower lip donor site was then sutured. The lower lip flap remained attached to the upper lip for three weeks. The pedicle was then separated after blood supply has been established from the upper lip. She and her parents were very pleased with the results of the surgery. There was a tremendous improvement in her facial esthetics. They expressed that she would gain increased levels of self-confidence to face life again. Surgery Video [/et_pb_text][et_pb_video src=”” _builder_version=”4.9.0″ _module_preset=”default”][/et_pb_video][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]
7 Things you should know about Rhinoplasty
What is Rhinoplasty? Rhinoplasty generally referred to as “nose job,” is surgery to alter the shape of the nose by adjusting the bone or cartilage. Rhinoplasty is one of the most common types of plastic surgery. Why Rhinoplasty? People get rhinoplasty to repair their nose after injury, to fix breathing issues or a birth defect, or because they are uncomfortable with the appearance of their nose. Possible improvements that your surgeon can make to your nose through rhinoplasty include: a change in size a change in angle straightening of the bridge reshaping of the tip narrowing of the nostrils If your rhinoplasty is performed to enhance your appearance rather than your wellbeing, you can wait until your nasal bone is fully developed. This is around 15 years of age for children. Boys can continue to grow until they’re a little older. However, if you are having surgery due to impaired breathing, rhinoplasty can be done at a younger age. Seven Things you should know about Rhinoplasty Amputation of the nose was a common punishment for criminals in ancient India. This led to debilitating facial deformities with both cosmetic and functional compromise. Sushruta, the father of plastic surgery, reconstructed the nose through the use of a forehead flap in 800 BC. This technique is still used by surgeons today. Rhinoplasty is the surgical correction of nasal deformities. It can range from the correction of simple cosmetic deformities to the correction of complex cleft deformities. There are two types of rhinoplasty, namely open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty. Closed rhinoplasty is the technique of choice as there is no visible scarring after surgery. Certain nasal deformities require augmentation using rib cartilage grafts obtained from the patient. This is harvested at the time of the same surgery. Rhinoplasty results not only in cosmetic improvement of the nose but also helps with functional improvements. Difficulty breathing could be due to a nose block, which can be caused by a bent septum to blocked turbinates. These are corrected through rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is extremely technique sensitive and the best results are obtained by vastly experienced surgeons. How much is the cost of Rhinoplasty in India? Rhinoplasty charges rely on various factors and range from Rs.70,000 to Rs.2,000,000 in India. The minimum price in India is Rs.70,000. India’s average price is roughly Rs.1,20,000. The overall price in India is up to Rs. 2,000,000. Rhinoplasty Before After Pictures Know more about Rhinoplasty Broad Nose Repair Flat Nose Repair
Closed Rhinoplasty – Saddle Nose Correction with Alar Base Reduction
[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.9.0″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.9.0″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.9.0″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.0″ _module_preset=”default”] What is Closed Rhinoplasty? The closed rhinoplasty technique makes all incisions in the nose, leaving no visible scars. Corrections to the nasal cartilage, bone, and septum are all performed within discreet nasal incisions. The closed rhinoplasty procedure also has the benefit of minimizing recovery times. Closed Rhinoplasty – Saddle Nose Correction with Alar Base Reduction This young man presented our hospital with a saddle nose deformity, a flattened bridge of the nose, and a wide alar base. He was approached with recovery planning and he consented to surgery. He first underwent an improvement in the flattened bridge of the nose with a rib grafted at the time of surgery and an excision of the lower crus of the lateral cartilages. This was followed by Weir excision for alar base correction followed by bilateral lateral osteotomy. He was very pleased with the outcome of the surgery.[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.0″ _module_preset=”default”] Surgery Video [/et_pb_text][et_pb_video src=”” _builder_version=”4.9.0″ _module_preset=”default”][/et_pb_video][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]
Cleft Rhinoplasty – Nose Correction Surgery
Different nasal forms and the human face The nose is the most prominent feature in the human face. Evolution down the ages had resulted in a wide variation to human facial features. This ranges from the color of the skin to the shape of the nose or the shape of the chin being different although the DNA is the same. Environmental factors, diet and a few other factors had influenced this. For example, people from very cold places that received very little sunlight developed light skin and aquiline noses. This served an evolutionary function as less body heat was lost through lighter skin and passage of cold air breathed in through long noses resulted in adequate humidification and warming up of the air as it passed into the trachea. Likewise, people in hotter regions of the earth developed darker skin and noses with wide open nostrils. This enabled easier cooling down of the body as well as cooling down of the air as it passed in through the broader nostrils. Functional versus cosmetic rhinoplasty Functional rhinoplasty is performed when the patient is having problems with breathing or if the deformity of the nose is to a degree that it is affecting their normal functioning in society. This can range from anything from a deviated nasal septum to reconstruction of the nose affected by a cleft lip deformity. A functional rhinoplasty correction also invariably results in improvement in the cosmetic appearance of the nose. Cosmetic rhinoplasty is performed when the patient has no functional difficulties, but is simply dissatisfied with the appearance of the nose. This is a completely elective procedure and is performed by either plastic surgeons or oral and maxillofacial surgeons. Surgeons from both these specialties undergo years of extensive training in this procedure. Young woman with a previous history of cleft lip and palate repair The patient is a young woman from Jharkhand who had undergone repair of her cleft lip and palate as an infant. She had however always had a nasal deformity with a flattened bridge of the nose and a collapsed columella. She had also had nasal breathing problems and snoring during sleep. She desired to undergo cosmetic surgery by a facial plastic surgeon to correct this. This variety of plastic surgery is also performed by oral and maxillofacial surgeons. Cleft rhinoplasty elsewhere with unsatisfactory results from the surgery She underwent a rhinoplasty elsewhere two years ago, but was very unhappy with the results of the previous rhinoplasty. She felt that the bone grafting to augment the bridge of her nose was too bulky and her breathing difficulties had worsened. Bone grafting had also been performed to a bony deficiency in the left anterior alveolar region. Patient referred to our hospital for revision rhinoplasty surgery She and her parents presented to a local plastic surgeon who advised revision cleft rhinoplasty surgery to correct her problem. He referred them to our hospital as this required a redo rhinoplasty surgery. This redo rhinoplasty required advanced techniques as the primary rhinoplasty procedure had been improperly performed. The graft placed in the previous surgery had to be removed followed by placement of a newly harvested bone graft. This rhinoplasty procedure is best performed by an experienced rhinoplasty surgeon. It is only board certified oral and maxillofacial surgeons who perform this surgery in developed countries like the US, UK, Germany and Japan. The nasal bones could have been deformed by the previous surgery. Formation of excess scar tissue could cause this sort of deformity. The nose had to be brought into perfect alignment with the facial features. Initial examination and treatment planning of the patient They presented for consultation with Dr SM Balaji, rhinoplasty specialist, who examined the patient and ordered imaging studies. This revealed that the patient had a collapsed columella and the graft at the augmented bridge of the nose had shifted. Merits of an open rhinoplasty versus closed rhinoplasty were considered for the patient. He explained to the patient and the parents that he needed to harvest new bone grafts to correct this deformity. The patient and her parents were in agreement with the treatment plan and consented to surgery. Harvesting costochondral rib grafts for the surgery Under general anesthesia, an incision was made through the old scar from the site of the previous bone graft. Two costochondral rib grafts were harvested and a Valsalva maneuver was performed to ensure patency of the thoracic cavity. The incision was closed in layers after confirming this. Cleft rhinoplasty with placement of columellar strut graft Attention was next turned to the revision cleft rhinoplasty nose surgery. A vestibular incision was made in the anterior maxilla and the bone graft used to augment the bony depression in the anterior maxilla was exposed. The titanium screw used to fix the screw was removed and the region was further augmented with a rib graft shaped to fill the bony depression in the region. Attention was next turned to the revision rhinoplasty portion of the procedure. The costochondral grafts were contoured to the correct shape. The previously placed rib graft was removed. An intranasal incision was then made and a graft was tunneled in to give perfect form to the bridge of the nose. The second costochondral rib graft was then used as a strut graft to raise up the collapsed columella. This was tunneled into the columella through an intraoral approach and secured in place with sutures. This gave perfect form and symmetry to the nose. The vestibular incision was then closed with sutures and the patient extubated from general anesthesia. Patient and her parents expressed complete satisfaction at the results from the surgery before final discharge from the hospital. Surgery Video