Facial Asymmetry Correction with distraction
Young man with facial asymmetry The patient is a 21-year-old male from Kottayam in Kerala, India. He has had lower jaw asymmetry since his childhood. This had resulted in an asymmetrical face. There is however no history of any trauma or accidents to his jaw. This has been slowly becoming progressively worse throughout his growing years. There was also a component of open bite to his occlusion. Chewing and speech problems had also increased exponentially with the passage of time. It has now reached a point where his lower face has become grossly deformed. This had affected him a lot and he had become socially withdrawn. Problems in a social setting due to his facial deformity This had led to considerable bullying in school and the patient had always been socially withdrawn. He had lost his self confidence due to his facial appearance and had very few friends. The patient’s parents stated that he was very depressed and they were worried about his well being. They had taken him to a local oral and maxillofacial surgeon who had examined the patient. Realizing the complexity of the patient’s treatment needs, he had referred the patient to our hospital for management. Our hospital is a specialty center for distraction osteogenesis surgery in India. Distraction osteogenesis is the technique used for bone lengthening. We were one of the first hospitals in India to utilize this method for jaw correction surgery. Patients with hemifacial microsomia are routinely treated for facial asymmetry. Mandibular lengthening is routinely performed in our hospital through mandibular distraction osteogenesis. Our hospital is a referral center for many countries from South East Asia and Europe. Initial presentation and treatment planning at our hospital Dr SM Balaji, facial asymmetry surgeon, examined the patient and ordered for comprehensive imaging studies including a 3D CT scan. The right side of the patient’s mandible was longer than the left side. This had resulted in his gross facial asymmetry. The left side was noted to be deficient. There was also an obvious occlusal cant present. Even though the defect was observed to be on the right side, it was decided that the patient needed to undergo treatment on the left side to correct the facial asymmetry. It was decided to utilize distraction osteogenesis on the left mandible to increase its length. A Univector mandibular ramus distractor was planned to be fitted on the left side. This treatment was explained to the patient in detail who consented to surgery. The patient was scheduled to undergo facial asymmetry correction with distraction osteogenesis Surgical correction of the facial asymmetry Under general anesthesia, an incision was made in the left mandibular retromolar region. A flap was elevated followed by bone cuts. A Univector mandibular ramus distractor was then fixed on the left side using titanium screws. Extreme care was taken throughout to ensure that the inferior alveolar nerve was not damaged during mobilization of the distal segment of the mandible. Following successful fitting of the distractor, correction of the occlusal can was addressed next. A sulcular incision was placed in the maxilla followed by. Le Fort I bone cuts. The maxilla was then mobilized and the posterior end of the left maxilla was fixed using transosseous wires. Hemostasis was achieved and closure was done using sutures. This was followed by Intermaxillary fixation using stainless steel wire. The patient was then taken to the recovery room in stable condition. Postsurgical consolidation of bone before distraction A latency period of about 6-7 days was allowed after surgery. Following the latency period, the distractor was activated with a distraction of 1 mm every day. A total of 13 mm of bone distraction was achieved over the next two weeks. There was symmetry of the two sides of the mandible at the end of this period. A week later, a plate was fixed to the left posterior maxilla to prevent any further downward movement. The distractor was then removed after a period of about 3-4 months following bony consolidation at the site of mandibular distraction. Successful outcome of the distraction osteogenesis procedure The patient started noting the changes during the distraction phase itself. He was extremely happy at the end of the distraction phase of the treatment. This had resulted in good facial harmony through correction of his asymmetry. He stated that he was now ready to face life with a new found confidence. Surgery Video
Reconstruction of the lower jaw – old plate replaced with new plate and rib graft for ameloblastoma
Patient with jaw swelling diagnosed as ameloblastoma The patient is a 35-year-old male from a rural district in Andhra Pradesh, India. He had developed a painful swelling in his lower jaw around 12-14 months ago. Alarmed over this, he had presented at a local oral surgical hospital where imaging studies followed by a biopsy had revealed an ameloblastoma. He had been advised to undergo a mandibulectomy (partial removal of lower jaw bone), which had been performed 6-8 months ago. This had been followed by reconstruction of the jaw with a titanium plate and screws. However, a month following surgery, the patient had developed drainage of pus from the chin region of the jaw from a nonhealing wound. The titanium plate was exposed through this nonhealing wound along with loose screws. There was also gross asymmetry of the face as a result of the surgery. An illusion of an open bite was also created by the surgery. The patient was facing difficulty with speech and eating. He had then presented again to the same oral surgeon for management of his problems. The surgeon had tried to set right this problem by tightening the screws and debriding and suturing the wound. This had however only worsened the situation for the patient. Realizing this, the patient sought a second opinion at a different hospital locally. Upon examining the patient, the surgeon had realized the complexity of the presenting problem. He had referred him to our hospital for surgical management and correction of his problems. Our hospital is a premier center for jaw reconstruction surgery in India. Complicated angle to angle mandibulectomy for ameloblastoma surgery is also routinely performed in our hospital followed by jaw reconstruction. Clinical presentation of an ameloblastoma Ameloblastoma is a rare, benign or cancerous tumor arising from the odontogenic epithelium. It occurs more commonly in the lower jaw than the upper jaw. Left unattended, they can cause severe disfigurement and destruction of the involved jaw. They are however rarely malignant or metastatic and progress slowly. Initial examination and treatment planning at our hospital Dr SM Balaji, jaw reconstruction surgeon, examined the patient and obtained a detailed history. He then ordered comprehensive imaging studies including a 3D CT scan. Clinical examination revealed multiple open wounds in the chin region with significant extraoral pus discharge. Radiographic evaluation showed significant signs of infected plates and screws. A comprehensive treatment plan was formulated for the patient. It was explained to the patient that the plates and screws needed to be removed because of the infection. The region of the jaw that had been resected would then be reconstructed. This would be through utilization of another mandibular titanium reconstruction plate and screws along with rib grafts. This would be followed by placement of dental implants in the bone grafts after sufficient integration of the graft with the jaw bone. The open draining chin wound would also be closed. All this was explained to the patient in detail. The patient expressed agreement with the treatment plan and consented for surgery. Successful surgical reconstruction of the jaw Under general anesthesia, a midcrestal incision was made in the left mandible followed by elevation of a mucoperiosteal flap. This exposed the infected mandibular reconstruction plate and screws. These were then removed along with an infected mandibular right second molar. Necrotic soft bone surrounding the infected tooth root and plate screws was also removed. Mandibular reconstruction was then performed using the titanium reconstruction plate and screws. Following this, an inframammary incision was made to harvest the rib grafts. A Valsalva maneuver was then performed to ensure that there was no perforation into the thoracic cavity. The wound was then closed in layers with sutures. Bone grafts were then fixed to the titanium reconstruction plates with screws to reconstruct the bony defect in the mandible. This resulted in reestablishment of mandibular contour and symmetry. Also, the necrotic skin and soft tissue in the extraoral wound in the chin that had been draining pus was excised. This was followed by approximation and closure of healthy tissue using sutures. A period of 4-6 months would be allowed for complete integration of the rib grafts with the mandibular bone. The patient was instructed to return at that time for dental implant surgery. Artificial teeth would be fitted to the dental implants following osseointegration of the implants. An abutment is attached from the implant to each artificial tooth. This would complete total rehabilitation of the patient. The patient was counseled that meticulous gum tissue and oral dental care was needed for long term success of the implants. Patient expresses complete satisfaction with the surgery Healing of the surgical wounds was uneventful and the patient recovered completely from the surgery. He was very happy with the outcome of the surgery. Facial symmetry had been reestablished and he was completely pain free. Surgery Video
Maxillary Cleft Surgery with Rib Graft
Patient returns for alveolar cleft surgery The patient is a 12-year-old female from Hubli in Karnataka, India. She was born with a left-sided cleft lip, palate and alveolus defect. A cleft lip defect usually involves the lip and nose. Postsurgical scar formation usually involves the philtral column. The patient and her parents had been referred to our hospital at that time for surgical correction. This is the most common birth defect found in newborn babies. Plastic surgeons also address this problem in most countries along with oral and maxillofacial surgeons. She had undergone initial cleft lip repair at our hospital at the age of three months. This was followed by cleft palate repair at the age of nine months. The optimum age for cleft lip surgery and cleft palate surgery is three and nine months respectively. The hole in the roof of the mouth had been successfully closed at this time. Speech therapy will be necessary at a later date for correction of any speech abnormalities. The parents of the patient were extensively counseled at that time regarding raising a child with cleft lip and palate deformity. They were educated regarding what to expect and how to deal with situations unique to these children. Parents were also advised to return at the age of 12 for cleft alveolus surgery. Cleft alveolus and difficulties associated with the condition An alveolar cleft is a gap between two halves of the maxilla in cases of unilateral cleft lip and palate. These two segments of the maxilla have to be fused before any further surgery of the maxilla. Fusing of these two segments is done through the use of a costochondral rib graft. Advancing the maxilla without fusing the two segments will result in a collapse of the bone. This gap results in a communication between the mouth and the nose. This affects speech and allows fluid to enter into the nasal cavity when eating and drinking. The quality of the voice also acquires a nasal tone in patients with this defect. Alveolar cleft grafting is the surgical procedure that is performed to repair the defect between the two segments of the maxillary bone. The defect is filled with a bone graft that has been harvested from the patient. The graft is harvested from the ribs as sufficient bone cannot be harvested from the iliac crest. This surgery ensures that any abnormal communication between the mouth and the nose is closed. Patient returns to our hospital for cleft alveolus correction The patient returned to our hospital at 12 years old along with her parents. Her parents had been counseled at the time of previous discharge to bring the patient in for closure of her maxillary cleft at around the age of 12 years. Dr SM Balaji, Cleft Maxilla Surgeon, examined the patient and obtained imaging studies. The patient had a left-sided alveolar cleft. Her chief complaint upon presentation was the inability to chew food properly. She said that there was nasal regurgitation of fluids along with a nasal tone to her voice. Detailed treatment planning explained to parents and patient A treatment plan was formulated for correction of the patient’s cleft alveolus defect. The defect in the alveolus would be augmented and closed with a bone graft with maxillary cleft surgery. Closure of the oroantral fistula was also planned to be performed for the patient. Successful surgical correction of the maxillary cleft through rib graft Under general anesthesia, an incision was made in the right inframammary region. A costochondral rib graft was then harvested. A Valsalva maneuver was performed to ensure that there was no perforation into the thoracic cavity. The incision was then closed in layers using sutures Surgical correction of the patient’s cleft alveolus Attention was then turned to the cleft alveolus in the left anterior maxillary region. A sulcular incision was made followed by elevation of a flap to expose the bony cleft. A palatal layer was created in the flap and sutured. The oroantral fistula was also closed and sutured using resorbable sutures. This was followed by closure of the defect in the left anterior maxilla using rib graft fixed using screws. Closure was then done using resorbable sutures. Successful outcome to the surgical procedure Improvement in the patient’s oral functions was immediate after surgery. The patient was very happy with the outcome of the surgery and could eat well now. She and her parents expressed complete satisfaction with the results of the surgery. Surgery Video
Cleft Rhinoplasty with Lip Augmentation Surgery
Patient born with unilateral cleft lip and palate The patient is a 25-year-old female from Mahabalipuram in Tamil Nadu, India. She was born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate. Doctors at that hospital had explained the condition in detail to her parents. They were counseled that surgical correction needed to be done at the right time for this condition. The patient had undergone a cleft lip surgery at 3 months and cleft palate surgery at 9 months of age. She had also undergone a cleft alveolus reconstruction at 4 years of age. All these surgeries were performed elsewhere. The roof of the mouth had been repaired adequately. Over time, the patient slowly developed a crooked nose deformity. The tip of the nose was flattened. She also felt that the scar from the previous surgery was unsightly and her lip was very thin. This had caused her to become depressed. She had stopped going to work or visiting with friends and relatives. Her looks distressed her and she kept to herself all the time. Her parents decided to get this corrected surgically and visited the original surgeon. They explained that she desired lip deformity surgery and nose augmentation surgery. She said that she wanted a nose job. Referral to our hospital for surgical management Upon examination, the surgeon realized the complexity of the correction involved and referred her to our hospital for management.. Our hospital is renowned for nose deformity surgery and lip augmentation surgery. Facial reconstruction surgery is also a specialty at our hospital. Rhinoplasty surgery is performed on hundreds of patients each year with glowing patient testimonials. Initial presentation and treatment planning at our hospital Dr SM Balaji, cosmetic nose surgeon, examined the patient. He ordered comprehensive imaging studies for the patient. The patient had a unilateral cleft lip on the left side. This had led to development of a facial deformity on that side. The left side of her nose was depressed and her nose was deviated to the right side. She also had a loss of musculature on the upper lip with an unsightly scar. The depressed nose also resulted in chronic breathing difficulties for the patient. There was also a component of snoring. The patient desired to have a prominent symmetrical nose that was in harmony with the rest of her face. She also wanted to have the scar on her upper lip removed along with bulking up of the thin lip. She said that the depression on the left side of her nose was making her feel dejected. Treatment planning was formulated for the patient. It was explained to the patient that scar revision surgery would be performed on the upper lip followed by nose correction surgery. Bulking up of the lip would be through placement of a fascia lata graft harvested from the patient’s thigh. The patient was in agreement with the treatment plan and consented to surgery. It was explained that she would need to stay indoors for a week after surgery. The patient expressed understanding that success of the surgery also depended on good postoperative wound care. The patient would be undergoing a closed rhinoplasty as an open rhinoplasty would result in a visible scar. Successful surgical correction of the deformities Under general anesthesia, a fascia lata was first harvested from the patient’s thigh. This was followed by the scar revision surgery through a Z plasty technique. A transcartilagenous incision was next made in the right nostril and dissection was done. The lateral nasal cartilage was excised partially. This was followed by a medial and right lateral osteotomy to straighten the nose. Finally, the harvested fascia lata graft was tunneled into the upper lip to bulk up the thin lip. The lip was now in harmony with the rest of her facial features. Total patient satisfaction at the surgical results The cosmetic transformation as a result of the surgery was immediate. There was complete symmetry to the nose and no visible scar to the lip. The fullness to the lips was also in complete harmony to the rest of the face. She said that she would now be able to face the world with a new found confidence as a result of Surgery Video
Cleft Rhinoplasty with dental implant
Patient born with unilateral cleft lip and palate The patient is a 25-year-old female from Ongole in Andhra Pradesh, India. She was born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate. Her parents had been advised that she needed to undergo cleft lip repair at 3 months and cleft palate surgery at 8 months of age. The hole in the roof of her mouth was successfully closed through cleft palate repair. She had subsequently undergone both surgeries at a local hospital. A cleft alveolus reconstruction had been performed at 4 years of age. This is the correct recommended timetable to undergo surgery for these congenital defects. Teeth can be missing in the region of the cleft in the alveolus. These are replaced through the use of artificial teeth attached to implants. Meticulous gum tissue health is necessary for success of implants. Dissatisfaction with appearance while growing up The patient developed a flat and bulky nose over time. She also had a very prominent scar from her cleft lip surgery. This had made her feel very self conscious. Her self confidence level was also low because of her facial deformities. She had always desired to have a sharp prominent nose. The nose consists of both bone and cartilage tissue. The patient and her parents had visited a local cosmetic surgeon who examined her. Realizing the extent of correction required, he had referred them to our hospital. Our hospital is a premier center for cosmetic nose surgery in India. Results over the years stand testimony to the level of care at our hospital for cosmetic rhinoplasty. Initial presentation at our hospital for management Dr SM Balaji, facial cosmetic surgeon, examined the patient and obtained relevant diagnostic imaging studies. The patient’s chief complaint was a depressed nose and lip scar. Columellar collapse had resulted in the depressed nose. She also complained of mobility of her upper front teeth. This was found to be retained deciduous lateral incisors. The patient stated that her nose looked bulky and this made her feel uncomfortable. She requested for a symmetrical nose with prominent tip. The patient was also found to have a depressed left anterior maxilla. Treatment planning formulated and explained to the patient A complete treatment plan was formulated for the patient. It was decided to extract the mobile retained deciduous lateral incisors. This would be replaced with dental implants. It was also decided to augment the left anterior maxillary defect with a rib graft. This would result in elevation of the base of the nose. Our hospital is a specialty center for cosmetic surgery procedures. A costochondral graft would then be used to perform nose correction of the depressed bridge. This would give the patient a prominent bridge of the nose. The patient consented for cleft rhinoplasty with dental implant surgery. Successful surgical correction of the patient’s complaints Under general anesthesia, an incision was made in the right inframammary region. Dissection was carried down to the ribs. A costochondral rib graft was then harvested. This was followed by a Valsalva maneuver to ascertain that there was no perforation into the thoracic cavity. The wound was then closed in layers with sutures. Attention was then turned to lip scar revision surgery. Once this had been successfully performed, the two retained deciduous teeth were extracted. Nobel Biocare dental implants were then placed at the extraction sites. Attention was then turned to the depressed region of the left anterior maxilla. A flap was elevated and the area was augmented using the rib graft. The graft was then fixed using titanium screws. This would slowly integrate with the maxillary bone over time to form a defect free maxilla. A transcartilagenous incision was next made in the right nostril. Dissection was then done down to the lateral nasal cartilages, which were excised. Following this, the nasal dorsum was augmented using the costochondral rib graft. This resulted in a prominent sharp nose for the patient. Patient satisfaction at the results of the surgery Cosmetic improvement from the surgery was immediate. The patient was very happy with the outcome of the surgery. She now had a symmetrical and prominent nose without the lip scar. Her parents also expressed their happiness at the results of the surgery. Surgery Video
Microtia Correction, Repositioning the Lobule Surgery
Congenital deformity of the ear Deformities of the ear are classified under microtia. The various grades of microtia manifest from the mildest to the most severe. Anotia or absence of an external ear is the most severe form. A Stahl ear is one where there is deformity of the cartilage of the ear. Rib cartilage is harvested to correct microtia deformity. Plastic surgeons normally perform this technique sensitive plastic surgery. Experienced craniofacial surgeons are also adept at performing this procedure. A piece of cartilage is taken from the ribs and shaped to mimic the ear cartilage. These are then used to recreate the external pinna in three steps. Treatment options also include prosthetic ears, which are anchored to the skull using implant screws. Microtia surgery is performed to correct these congenital ear deformities. A variety of skin grafts are utilized to obtain the best cosmetic results. Patients might initially feel that they have prominent ears after microtia surgery. This however is just an illusion arising from having deformed ears for a long time. Patient born with right ear deformity The patient is a 14-year-old boy from Calicut in Kerala, India who was born with a congenitally deformed right ear. It was diagnosed as a grade III microtia with absence of an external ear. There was just a small peanut like vestige along with absence of an external ear canal and eardrum. He was diagnosed with a grade III microtia. His parents had sought advice at the hospital for treatment of his ear deformity. They were referred to Balaji Dental and Craniofacial Hospital for surgical management of his ear deformity. Our hospital is renowned for microtia surgery in India. Ear reconstruction surgery is performed on a routine basis in our hospital. The parents presented with the patient to our hospital. It had been explained to the parents that microtia surgery required a three stage repair and that they needed to bring the patient in for the first stage repair when he was 11 years old. Ear deformity surgery is best initiated at this age. An introduction into microtia and a classification of its severity Microtia is a congenital deformity where the external ear is underdeveloped. When the external ear is absent, it is referred to as anotia. Because microtia and anotia have the same origin, it can be referred to as microtia-anotia. Microtia can be either unilateral or bilateral. The occurrence of microtia is about one out of 8,000–10,000 live births. When it is unilateral microtia, the right ear is most commonly affected. There are four grades of microtia. A less than complete development of the external ear with identifiable structures and a small but present external ear canal is grade I microtia. When the external ear is partially developed with a closed stenotic ear canal and conductive hearing loss, it is known as grade II microtia. When there is just a small peanut vestige in the place of the external ear along with absence of the external ear canal and ear drum, it is grade III microtia. This is also the most common form of microtia. Anotia or complete absence of the external ear is grade IV microtia. Initial presentation for treatment at our hospital Dr SM Balaji, ear reconstruction surgeon, examined the patient. Examination revealed that he had grade III microtia with absence of the external ear with a small peanut-like vestige structure and an absence of the external ear canal and ear drum. The patient had undergone the first two stages of ear correction in our hospital age the ages of 10 and 12 years old. The first stage was right ear reconstruction with a costochondral graft. The ear was carved from the costochondral graft using a template and buried in the desired site. After a period of 6-8 months, the second stage of the repair, which involved elevation of the buried right ear structure was done with a full thickness flap obtained from the right iliac region. Patient presents for third stage microtia repair The patient now presents for the third stage of his microtia repair. This would involved reconstruction and shifting of the right ear lobe. Under general anesthesia, an incision was made and the right ear lobule was shifted to its correct anatomical position in the pinna. Closure of the incision was then done in layers using resorbable and non-resorbable sutures. Complete patient satisfaction at the results of the surgery The patient and his parents were very happy with the outcome of the surgery. The ear lobule had been repositioned in its correct anatomical position following the surgery. His right ear was now more symmetrical with his left ear. Parents who had been very concerned about this deformity expressed their complete satisfaction with the results of the surgery. His parents mentioned that he will now be able to face life with more self confidence as a result of the surgery. Surgery Video
Facial Asymmetry Correction by distraction of reconstructed bone along with Plate removal Surgery
Occurrence of facial asymmetry is very common No human face is truly symmetric. A mild degree of facial asymmetry is always present, but not easily spotted by the naked eye. Only when this asymmetry is easily noticeable does it require surgical correction. Distraction devices are commonly employed in the correction of facial asymmetry. The distraction devices are first fitted. This is followed by distraction. Consolidation of the distracted bone segment is allowed before removal of the distraction device. The bones heal and soft tissue remodeling occurs during this period of consolidation. Correction of hemifacial microsomia and temporomandibular joint surgery also come under corrective jaw surgery. There are many surgical techniques that are employed for correction of facial asymmetry. All these are technique sensitive and are best performed by experienced surgeons. Guidelines for surgical correction of orofacial deformities The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons has laid down guidelines for all surgical procedures of the oral and facial regions. Bone grafts are advised in certain cases where distraction is contraindicated. Distraction osteogenesis and orthognathic surgery are two arms of facial asymmetry correction. Mandibular distraction osteogenesis is more common as mandibular asymmetry occurs more commonly than maxillary asymmetry. Patient with a history of surgery for ameloblastoma The patient is a 24-year-old male from Vandavasi in Tamil Nadu, India. He had developed a left lower jaw swelling around two years ago and visited a local hospital. Tests had been performed by an oral surgeon at the hospital. The patient had then been diagnosed with ameloblastoma of the left mandible. A left partial mandibulectomy had been performed followed by reconstruction with a rib graft and reconstruction plate. The patient had been left with a severe facial asymmetry with the right side of the mandible being longer than the left. This had depressed the patient to a degree that he refused to go outside. His career had suffered as a result and this alarmed his worried parents. They had consulted with the oral surgeon again who realized the severity of the problem. The parents and the patient were informed that this could be addressed only at a specialist oral and maxillofacial surgery hospital. He had then referred them to our hospital for management of the patient’s facial asymmetry. Our hospital is renowned for facial asymmetry surgery. Jaw reconstruction surgery is performed routinely at our hospital. Facial asymmetry resulting from trauma to congenital deformities of the jaws is addressed at our hospital. Initial presentation at our hospital Dr SM Balaji, jaw reconstruction surgeon, examined the patient and obtained a detailed history. The patient’s old medical records pertaining to the ameloblastoma surgery were studied in detail. He then ordered comprehensive imaging studies for the patient including a 3D CT scan. The patient was noted to have a deficient left mandibular body. Right side of the mandible was longer than the left. Mandibular ramus was also found to be defective. Treatment planning presented to the patient and his parents It was advised that the patient undergo mandibular ramus distraction osteogenesis on the left side. Removal of the reconstruction plate would be followed by mandibular ramus distractor fixation on the left side. The patient and his parents expressed understanding of the surgical procedure and consented to surgery. Successful surgical correction of facial asymmetry Under general anesthesia, an incision was first made through the previous surgical scar in the left submandibular region. Dissection was done down to the mandibular reconstruction plate and screws. These were then removed. An incision was then made in the left mandibular retromolar region. A flap was elevated following which bone cuts were made. Mandibular ramus distractor was then fixed on the left side using titanium screws. The activating arm of the distractor was brought out through the left submandibular incision. Following the fixation of the distractor in the mandible, a sulcular incision was made in the maxilla. Le Fort I bone cuts were then made and the maxilla was mobilized. The posterior end of the left maxilla was fixed using transosseous wires. Hemostasis was ensured following which closure was done using sutures. Distraction osteogenesis of the mandible to establish facial symmetry Interarch wiring was done following the surgery. A latency period of about 6-7 days was allowed for stabilization of the surgical site following which the distractor was activated. Two clockwise turns of the distractor were performed everyday for a resultant distraction of about 1 mm. A total of 18 mm distraction of the mandibular bone was achieved at the end of the treatment. A plate was then fixed to the left posterior maxilla to prevent further downward movement. The distractor will be removed after a period of about 3-4 months once adequate consolidation of the bone in the distracted segment is seen. Complete patient satisfaction at the results The patient started noticing the change during the distraction phase itself. Result was obvious at the completion of 18 mm of distraction. The patient was very happy with the outcome of surgery. He expressed his satisfaction at the final outcome of the surgery. The patient also added that he would be able to start leading a normal life again Surgery Video
Micrognathia (Lower Jaw Hypoplasia) Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy
Patient with a disproportionately small lower jaw The patient is a 21-year-old male from Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh, India. His lower jaw has been very small ever since he can remember. He said that he has always had trouble with speech and eating. Snoring has also been a chronic problem for him. He stated that this had made his facial profile appear concave and he hated it. The patient had faced significant bullying at school and in college. This had caused him to become socially withdrawn and he had few friends. He had the tendency to avoid all social gatherings and led a rather lonely life. This had greatly worried his parents and they had approached a local oral surgeon who examined the patient. Realizing the degree of deformity, the surgeon had referred them to our hospital for corrective jaw surgery. Specialty center for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Our hospital is a referral center for complicated cases requiring oral and maxillofacial surgery. All the protocols laid down by the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons are rigorously followed by us. We are renowned for orthognathic surgery and facial cosmetic surgery. Surgery costs are also economical when compared with developed Western countries. Open bite correction is a routine part of orthognathic surgery. Follow up of cases is done long term after surgery with excellent results. Documentation of cases helps in the process of long term follow up of cases. The latest technology is used for the maintenance of up to date patient records. The patient had always wished to have a masculine appearing prominent lower jaw. He felt that surgical correction of his jaw along with the resultant profile correction would solve all his problems. Our hospital is a premier center for jaw deformity surgery in India. We perform all jaw surgeries ranging from cosmetic jaw surgery to jaw surgery for pathological conditions such as cysts, tumors, etc. What is micrognathia? Micrognathia is a condition where the jaw is undersized. It is also sometimes called “mandibular hypoplasia”. This condition is common during infancy. It however is usually self correcting during growth with a gradual increase in the size of the mandible to normal size. Since the jaw size discrepancy will be pronounced during infancy, it can lead to abnormal alignment of teeth. When this is severe, it can even lead to disruption in the feeding patterns of the infant. A surgical implication of micrognathia in both children and adults is that it can made intubation difficult. Anesthesia is induced through awake bronchoscopic intubation in the presence of micrognathia. Micrognathism, which is true hypoplasia of the mandible is different from retrognathism, which is a backwardly positioned mandible. Initial presentation at our hospital for management of his problem Dr SM Balaji, jaw deformity surgeon, examined the patient and obtained a detailed history. Comprehensive imaging studies were obtained for the patient. The patient had an anterior deep bite with class II malocclusion. His lower jaw was retruded and his face had a concave profile. Treatment planning was performed for the patient and he was advised to undergo lower jaw advancement surgery by about 10 mm. It was also explained to him that he would need postsurgical orthodontic treatment for correction of his dental malocclusion. The patient and his parents were in agreement with the jaw osteotomy and consented to surgery. All incisions will be made intraorally to avoid external scarring. Successful correction of the patient’s micrognathia Under general anesthesia, incisions were made in mandibular retromolar region bilaterally. Following this, flaps were elevated and bone cuts were made in the mandible. Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy was performed using Obwegeser’s technique. Extreme care was taken to protect the inferior alveolar nerve throughout mobilization of the proximal and distal segments of the mandible. The distal segment of the mandible was advanced by about 10mm. Occlusion was checked, bone was stabilized and fixed using titanium plates and screws. Closure was then done using resorbable sutures. Complete patient satisfaction at the outcome of the surgery The patient and his parents were very happy with the surgical outcome as the cosmetic improvement was immediate. His occlusion had become normal and he now had a prominent jaw line and masculine facial profile. He also said that his speech had improved to a great extent following the surgery. The patient was instructed to return in a few months time for fixed orthodontic treatment. This would help in correction of his malaligned teeth. It was explained that completion of orthodontic treatment would complete rehabilitation of his dentofacial problems. Surgery Video
Revision rhinoplasty – Recreating the External Nares Opening Surgery
Patient born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate The patient is a 14-year-old boy from Vadodara in Gujarat, India who was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. This is amongst the most common birth defects. Children born with these deformities need to be operated early. He had undergone cleft lip surgery at 3 months of age and cleft palate repair at 9 months of age. Delayed cleft palate repair would lead to improper speech development. This had been followed by a nose correction surgery at 5 years of age and an Abbe flap and lip revision at 7 years of age. The nose correction had been redone at 8 years of age. All these surgeries had been performed at a local hospital. Patient extremely unhappy with surgical results The patient had been left with a depressed nose and a completely closed right naris. There was both bone and cartilage insufficiency. He had extreme difficulty breathing. Even a minor nasal infection like a common cold caused him a great deal of distress. Added to this, he had an extremely unsightly scar at the region of the surgery. His nose was also asymmetrical and flat. The patient and his parents were therefore highly dissatisfied with the results of the previous rhinoplasty. He desired a nose job that would raise his nose and make it in harmony with the rest of his face. Children with cleft lip and palate deformity face difficulties during interaction with peers. They are perceived as being different and may face bullying. Parents of children both with these deformities have to be very supportive. They should take care not to express any negative emotions towards children with cleft lip and palate. At the same time, they should ensure that the children are brought up in a normal atmosphere. Care should be taken to not spoil these children. The patient had been feeling very depressed about this and his parents consulted a local cosmetic surgeon to address this problem. He had examined the patient and obtained imaging studies. Realizing the complexity of the problem, he had referred them to Balaji Dental and Craniofacial Hospital for surgical correction. Our hospital is a premier centre for rhinoplasty surgery in India. We also deal with all other facial cosmetic surgery procedures. Initial presentation at our hospital for consultation Dr SM Balaji, cosmetic rhinoplasty surgeon, examined the patient and obtained a detailed history. He then ordered comprehensive imaging studies for the patient. This had revealed that the patient did not have a right nostril. He also had a depressed nasal bridge and the columella was also absent. Treatment planning for correction of the patient’s problems The aim of the surgery was primarily to create a new hole for his right naris. Detailed treatment planning was done for the patient. Skin from the right nasolabial region would be utilized to create the nasal floor. A vestibular mucosal flap would be utilized for columellar reconstruction. It was also decided to elevate the dorsum of the nose using a double deckered costochondral rib graft. Bone grafts would not need to be harvested. The nose tip was to be elevated using a strut graft. This was explained to the parents who were in agreement and consented to surgery. Surgical correction of the patient’s facial deformities Under general anesthesia, an incision was made in the right inframammary region and costochondral graft was harvested. A Valsalva maneuver was then performed to ensure that there was no perforation into the thoracic cavity. The incision was then closed in layers using sutures. Following this, using the open rhinoplasty technique, the depressed nasal bridge was augmented to recreate perfect nasal form using the costochondral graft. The strut graft was next placed to elevate the tip of the nose. Right nostril was then created using a triangular flap of tissue from the nasolabial region. This was followed by creation of the columella using a flap of tissue from the upper lip. Once complete hemostasis had been achieved, closure was done using both resorbable and nonresorbable sutures. Successful outcome to the surgery The patient and his parents were very happy with the results of the surgery. They said that the patient’s face was in harmony now. His facial esthetics had been restored by the surgery and he would now be able to face the world confidently. Surgery Video
Hemifacial Microsomia – Reconstruction of Ramus and Condyle by costochondral Graft
Patient with gradually worsening facial asymmetry The patient is an 8-year-old boy from Meerut in Uttar Pradesh, India. His parents had begun noticing a developing facial asymmetry as he grew up. It has now reached the point where it is very visible and this has greatly distressed his parents. The patient too has been facing a lot of bully at school and does not have many friends. They had approached a local doctor who had explained to them that their son had hemifacial microsomia. He had further explained the treatment protocol for hemifacial microsomia and had referred them to our hospital for treatment. Our hospital is a premier center for hemifacial microsomia surgery in India. Facial reanimation surgery is performed on a regular basis in our hospital. Patients from all over the world are referred to our hospital for hemifacial microsomia treatment. What is hemifacial microsomia? Hemifacial microsomia is a congenital disorder that affects the development of the lower half of the face. It most commonly affects the ears, the mouth, and the lower jaw. It mainly manifests on only one side of the face, but may rarely involve both sides. When hemifacial microsomia is severe, it may cause breathing difficulties from tracheal obstruction. This may even require a tracheotomy. It is the second most common birth defect of the face after cleft lip and palate. Incidence rate is one out of every 3500 to 4500 live births. Children born with hemifacial microsomia could face difficulties at school and at social settings. Their facial features are perceived as being different. This could lead to a sense of isolation and loneliness in these children. Parents too need counseling to overcome feelings of despair and depression. Improper handling of these children during the growing years could lead to permanent psychological scarring. Common features seen in this condition The affected side has the appearance of facial paralysis. However, there is no involvement of the facial nerve. Soft tissue disfigurement is a prominent feature of this condition. The lower areas of the face are mainly affected. Microtia too is a common feature. Cleft lip and cleft palate are not associated with this condition. Orthognathic surgery could be required to correct the jaw deformity. Craniofacial centers specializing in reconstructive surgery are well equipped to handle these cases. Correction of drooping corner of the mouth is performed by reanimation surgery using fascia lata grafts. Hemifacial microsomia shares many similarities with Treacher Collins syndrome, Franceschetti syndrome, Goldenhar syndrome and Parry-Romberg syndrome. Initial presentation at our hospital for hemifacial microsomia treatment Dr SM Balaji, hemifacial microsomia surgeon, examined the patient and obtained a detailed history. He then ordered for comprehensive imaging studies including a 3D CT for the patient. The patient had facial asymmetry on the right side. His 3D CT scan revealed the absence of the condyle and coronoid on the right side along with a hypoplastic ramus. The patient also had microtia on the right side. There was also the presence of a noticeable occlusal cant. Treatment planning explained to the parents A right sided ramus distraction osteogenesis was planned for correction of the patient’s facial asymmetry. Bone was however not sufficient for performing the distraction osteogenesis. Plan was to create a condyle using a costochondral graft with a growth centre and reinforce the mandibular ramus. This would enable the presence of sufficient bone for performing distraction osteogenesis later. Successful surgical creation of condyle on the right side Under general anesthesia, a right inframammary incision was made and a costochondral rib graft was harvested. A Valsalva maneuver was then performed to ensure that there was no perforation into the thoracic cavity. The incision was then closed in layers with sutures. Next, a right submandibular incision was made and dissection was done up to the condyle. The coronoid was created and the ramus was augmented using the costochondral rib graft, which was fixed using titanium screws. Closure of the wound was then done using resorbable sutures. Optimal anatomical coronoid, condyle and ramus structures The surgery was a complete success. Coronoid was successfully created and ramus was augmented. A postoperative OPG taken after 3 months revealed sufficient bone consolidation. The patient now had a more symmetrical face. It was explained that the patient needed to return in six months for distraction osteogenesis. That would then be followed by reconstruction of the patient’s ear after sufficient growth has occurred. Correction of facial deformity greatly benefits patients suffering from hemifacial microsomia. Surgery Video